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Tuesday, March 18
Discussion: Kawartha Lakes Tourism presents Connections and Conversations - Dr. Cecil Chabot beginning at 7:00 pm at Kawartha Lakes City Hall (26 Francis St., Lindsay, K9V 5R8). The first speaker of the 2025 Connections and Conversations series, Dr. Cecil Chabot is a non-Indigenous scholar whose work explores the connections between Indigenous, Western, and other cultures. He is a co-founder of the Moose River Heritage and Hospitality Association, where he serves as Director of Development, Special Projects, and History Programming, as well as Acting Executive Director. This presentation will explore the challenges, opportunities, and lessons for reconciliation and holistic community and economic development stemming from the 350th anniversary of Moose Factory, located in the heart of the Moose Cree Homeland. Cost: Free. For more information and to register, visit