Editorial Team

Our editorial team consists of the publisher and editor-in-chief, managing editor and events editor, and regular contributing writers. We have also listed guest writers and past writers who have contributed to kawarthaNOW over the years.

Do you have an idea for a story or a regular column? We welcome and encourage submissions from new writers.

If you'd like to be published on kawarthaNOW.com, please contact us.

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

Jeannine Taylor

Jeannine Taylor

Jeannine Taylor is the CEO, founder and publisher of kawarthaNOW.com. Jeannine is an multi-award-winning media and communications professional with over 28 years of experience in digital marketing and website development. She has been a digital media publisher since kawarthaNOW.com was launched online as Quid Novis in 1996. She's a self-professed tech and news geek and an early adopter. Jeannine would rather be kayaking or hanging out with @caitthebordercollie. Connect with her on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Bluesky.

Articles by Jeannine Taylor (215)

Managing Editor / Events Editor

Bruce Head

Bruce Head

Bruce Head is kawarthaNOW.com's managing editor, chief technical officer, and a contributing writer. If he has any spare time, he enjoys songwriting, playing acoustic guitar, and taking photos of Cait the border collie.

Articles by Bruce Head (693)

Current Writers

Paul Rellinger

Paul Rellinger

Paul Rellinger a.k.a Relly is an award-winning journalist and longtime former newspaper editor still searching for the perfect lead. When he's not putting pen to paper, Paul is on a sincere but woefully futile quest to own every postage stamp ever issued. A rabid reader of history, Paul claims to know who killed JFK but can't say out of fear for the safety of his oh so supportive wife Mary, his three wonderful kids and his three spirited grandchildren. Paul counts among his passions Peterborough's rich live music scene, the Toronto Maple Leafs, slopitch and retrieving golf balls from the woods. You can follow Paul on Twitter at @rellywrites.

Articles by Paul Rellinger (777)

Megan Gallant

Megan Gallant

Megan Gallant is an adventure lover who holds an M.A. in Critical and Creative Writing from the University of Gloucestershire. Her favourite place to be is near the water and between the pines in her worn-out hammock, reading true crime, drinking coffee, and cuddling her adorable goldendoodle.

Articles by Megan Gallant (374)

Natalie Hamilton, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Natalie Hamilton, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Based in Northumberland County, Natalie Hamilton is an award-winning journalist with more than 20 years of experience. Her reporting is funded by the Government of Canada through its Local Journalism Initiative.

Articles by Natalie Hamilton, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter (402)



Our generic staff writer account, covering breaking and local community news. Follow kawarthaNOW on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Articles by kawarthaNOW (5910)

Regular Guest Columnists



For more than 30 years, Peterborough GreenUP has been central and eastern Ontario's leading environmental organization focused on education, sustainability, and stewardship. GreenUP is a non-profit charitable organization and an active community organization that offers dozens of programs and services to those living in Peterborough and Kawartha Lakes. For more information, visit greenup.on.ca

Articles by GreenUP (472)

Five Counties Children's Centre

Five Counties Children's Centre

Serving children in the counties of Haliburton, Northumberland, Peterborough, and the City of Kawartha Lakes, Five Counties Children’s Centre provides therapy services that assist children who are delayed in their development to build the skills they need in everyday life such as walking, talking, and activities of daily living. For more information, visit www.fivecounties.on.ca.

Articles by Five Counties Children's Centre (28)

Guest Writers

Ann Douglas

Ann Douglas

Ann Douglas sparks conversations that matter about parenting and mental health. She is a bestselling parenting author (her most recent book is Happy Parents Happy Kids) and the weekend parenting columnist for CBC Radio. A passionate and inspiring speaker, Ann delivers keynote addresses and leads small-group workshops at health, parenting, and education conferences across the country. She lives and works in Peterborough, Ontario. Her website is anndouglas.net.

Articles by Ann Douglas (2)

Anica James

Anica James

A volunteer with Kawartha Land Trust, Anica James is a graduate from Loyalist College's Photojournalism program and she has been freelancing, facilitating workshops, and exhibiting her photo-based work throughout Canada and Nepal (her home-away-from-home) since 2014. Originally from Peterborough, Anica is a self-proclaimed nature geek who is happiest outdoors. When she isn't gardening or hiking, she can be found at home in her studio making art or writing poetry. Her photographic work can be viewed at www.anicajames.com.

Articles by Anica James (1)

An Kosurko

An Kosurko

A member of the 2019 ReFrame board of directors, An Kosurko is a communications professional and researcher who writes occasionally and dabbles in a little bit of documentary film work. She is a partner at the A-Frame and teaches Marketing and Managerial Research at Trent University. She is a proud mother of the future prime minister and supporter of the local arts scene with a passion for trail running — and Marvel's Avengers.

Articles by An Kosurko (2)

Susan Oliver

Susan Oliver

Susan Oliver is passionate about and has worked in the arts for over 20 years. After many years working in the arts in Toronto, she moved back to Peterborough and had the good fortune to be part of the teams at three outstanding local arts organizations: Westben, Public Energy Performing Arts and Showplace Performance Centre. She is a graduate of the University of Toronto, Queens University and Christie's Education, London, England, and is currently doing freelance Communications for the Arts & Culture sector.

Articles by Susan Oliver (6)

Dr. Thomas Piggott

Dr. Thomas Piggott

Dr. Thomas Piggott, MD MSc CCFP FRCPC, is Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer of Peterborough Public Health. You can ollow Dr. Piggott on Twitter @twpiggott.

Articles by Dr. Thomas Piggott (5)

Dylan Radcliffe

Dylan Radcliffe

Dylan Radcliffe is an environmental advocate and steward living in the beautiful city of Peterborough. He is currently the chair of the Peterborough Environmental Advisory Committee and has been a long-time volunteer and employee for several environmental organizations across Canada.

Articles by Dylan Radcliffe (1)

Keaton Robbins

Keaton Robbins

Keaton Robbins is the Corporate Communications Officer for Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development (PKED). Keaton leads the promotion of core economic development initiatives of PKED externally to the Peterborough region. Keaton also works collaboratively with the Marketing and Communications team to promote corporate programs and initiatives to stakeholders, media and the public. He was a former reporter and editor at the Toronto and Ottawa Sun.

Articles by Keaton Robbins (4)

Amy Siegel

Amy Siegel

ReFrame Film Festival's creative director Amy Siegel is an artist, educator, and organizer of artistic projects. Working at the intersection of film, performance and socially-engaged art, Amy's work is focused on telling stories based in themes of social justice and community empowerment. Amy holds an MFA in Documentary Media from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) and an MA in Adult Education and Community Development from the University of Toronto.

Articles by Amy Siegel (1)

Addison Wylie

Addison Wylie

Addison Wylie is a major film buff who has been publishing related content for several publications for well over a decade. When he's not catching the latest indie flick, he can be seen in local theatre productions and frequenting Peterborough's downtown core with his wife and daughter. Visit Addison's website at wyliewrites.com.

Articles by Addison Wylie (5)

Past Writers

Please note by-lines of past writers may not be current.

Hannah Abrahamse

Hannah Abrahamse

Hannah Abrahamse has completed an undergraduate degree in English and Cultural Studies at Trent University and is currently a Masters of Journalism student at Ryerson University. She is passionate about cinema, literature, and music both in and outside of work and intends to pursue a career in art and culture journalism. You can follow her on Twitter @AbrahamseHannah. (Photo by Derek Ursacki)

Articles by Hannah Abrahamse (87)

Jane Archer

Jane Archer

Jane Archer is a local musician based in Trent Hills. An award-winning power vocalist, Jane fronts the rocking blues band called Balls and Jane, made up of Peterborough's finest young players famous delivering emotion-drenched, soulful shows. Visit Balls and Jane on Facebook.

Articles by Jane Archer (1)

Cheri Anderson

Cheri Anderson

Cheri Anderson is the President of the 2012-2013 Board of Directors of the Women's Business Network of Peterborough. A long-time volunteer of WBN, Cheri will be assuming the role of Past President in 2013-14. Cheri is a dog lover and avid outdoor enthusiast along with her husband Scott. You can follow Cheri on Twitter at @AnderCheri.

Articles by Cheri Anderson (1)

Brigid Ayotte

Brigid Ayotte

Brigid Ayotte is the Economic Development Co-ordinator for Cavan Monaghan Township and a member of the Millbrook BIA Marketing Committee. You can reach her at bayotte@cavanmonaghan.net.

Articles by Brigid Ayotte (1)

Amy Bowen

Amy Bowen

Amy Bowen completed a Master of Arts in English and Public Texts at Trent University. She is passionate about education and currently teaches communications at Fleming College. Amy has previously written column articles for the local organization GreenUP and contributed to the 2013 book Beneath the Canopy: Peterborough’s Urban Forests and Heritage Trees. In her spare time, she enjoys biking the local trails, hiking in the surrounding area, gardening, and reading on the dock at the cottage. You can contact her at amymaebowen@gmail.com.

Articles by Amy Bowen (25)

Mary J. Breen

Mary J. Breen

Mary J. Breen has fiction and nonfiction published in national newspapers, essay collections, travel magazines, health journals, and literary magazines, including Brick, The Christian Science Monitor, Ars Medica, Boston Literary Magazine, and The New Quarterly. She was a regular contributor to The Toast. She lives in Peterborough where, among other things, she teaches memoir writing.

Articles by Mary J. Breen (1)

Lauren Bridle

Lauren Bridle

Lauren Bridle holds a Bachelor of Journalism degree with a specialization in broadcast production from Carleton University. She is currently completing her Master's of Fine Arts in Documentary Media at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. After growing up in Canada, Lauren developed an interest in Canadian history and geography. Her work aims to display Canada's diverse landscape while investigating the history of the land. Lauren is currently working on her thesis film for Ryerson University; an investigation into the secrets Lovesick Lake holds beneath the water's surface. Visit Lauren's website at www.laurenbridle.com.

Articles by Lauren Bridle (1)

Alli Bunting

Alli Bunting

Alli Bunting is a current International Youth Internship Program Intern at Arise and Shine, based in Jinja, Uganda. As a white, middle-class, educated woman, her Bachelor's in International Development and Master's in Global Development Studies opened her eyes to the (often invisible) Western/White privilege that she experiences, and made her passionate about sharing this knowledge with others. Having spent time overseas in India, Nicaragua, South Korea, and Uganda, she has worked on environment, health, and education projects and is engaged in unlearning systemic oppression, and dismantling mainstream narratives about the developing world. In her spare time, Alli is often trailing behind her tall partner on a hike, attempting to calculate time differences, or searching for coffee. You can follow her blog at allibunting.wordpress.com, or find her on Instagram at al.leigh.7.

Articles by Alli Bunting (1)

Elliott Burton

Elliott Burton

Elliott Burton is a critic and columnist who is committed to creating and expanding film awareness. He is also an accomplished mixed-media artist who graduated from PCVS's Integrated Arts Program. Elliott lives and plays in Peterborough. You can follow Elliott on Twitter at @ElliottAnger.

Articles by Elliott Burton (59)

Donna Clarke

Donna Clarke

Donna Clarke is a keen observer of political and community life who also happens to be the wife of Peterborough Councillor and Deputy Mayor Henry Clarke. Donna's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect those of her husband, kawarthaNOW.com, or our sponsors or advertisers.

Articles by Donna Clarke (3)

Nic Cunningham

Nic Cunningham

Nic Cunningham is a Management Consultant who specialises in business development, business expansion, and employee motivation. Nic was born and raised in Wales and moved to Peterborough in 2005. Along with his passion for economics and business-related topics, he also enjoys playing basketball and coaching rugby. You can follow Nic on Twitter at @niccunningham1 and @OKPeterborough.

Articles by Nic Cunningham (5)

Ann Douglas

Ann Douglas

Ann Douglas sparks conversations that matter about parenting and mental health. She is a bestselling parenting author (her most recent book is Happy Parents Happy Kids) and the weekend parenting columnist for CBC Radio. A passionate and inspiring speaker, Ann delivers keynote addresses and leads small-group workshops at health, parenting, and education conferences across the country. She lives and works in Peterborough, Ontario. Her website is anndouglas.net.

Articles by Ann Douglas (2)

Kait Dueck

Kait Dueck

House Manager and Volunteer Coordinator at Showplace Performance Centre, Kait Dueck has had the privilege of being a part of downtown Peterborough's artistic community since she was whisked from the wilds North of Havelock to attend PCVS’ Integrated Arts Program at the tender age of 14. Since then, Kait has had the opportunity to perform in in a plethora of theatrical productions, become a political scientist of sorts via Carleton University, and sometimes work and play joyfully as a vocalist. Outside of music and theatre, some of her favourite things include her superlative immediate family members, local ecology, gender studies, the spring migration (and all things feathered), and her fuzzy life partners, Dorothy Parker and Henry.

Articles by Kait Dueck (3)

Michael Fazackerley

Michael Fazackerley

Michael Fazackerley is a regular contributor to kawarthaNOW with the monthly "Art in the Street" column. He is an enthusiastic promoter of Peterborough & the Kawarthas vibrant arts community and a big fan and supporter of all the music, culture, and quality of life that Peterborough and the area has to offer. You can follow Michael on Twitter @1calledmichael.

Articles by Michael Fazackerley (37)

Elizabeth Fennell

Elizabeth Fennell

Elizabeth Fennell is a graduate of Trent and Fleming with interests in regional history, popular culture, and material curation. She became a fan of Peterborough's art scene while working on Artspace's archival restoration and has been straddling the arts-heritage sectoral divide ever since. Founder of Gallery in the Attic and The Peterborough Darkroom Project, she's merely a member now, but you can still follow her on Facebook or on Twitter @ElizaFennell.

Articles by Elizabeth Fennell (9)

Josh Fewings

Josh Fewings

Josh Fewings is a local writer and musician who plays with Mayhemingways, Grainne and the Sons of Birches, Occam's Blazer, and Slim Picket and the Union Cards. He's a regular contributor to kawarthaNOW, covering music, musicians, and upcoming concerts. You can follow Josh on Twitter at @JFew82.

Articles by Josh Fewings (121)

Eva Fisher

Eva Fisher

Eva Fisher is a savvy marketer who understands regional tourism and the power of partnerships and buying local. Eva was previously the General Manager of Kawartha Country Wines, a premium fruit and grape winery in Buckhorn, as well as Manager at The Kawartha Store, a clothing and shoe store in Fenelon Falls specializing in Canadian-made fashion. You can contact her at eva@kawarthanow.com.

Articles by Eva Fisher (112)

Gordon Gibb

Gordon Gibb

Gordon Gibb wears many hats: afternoon announcer on FRESHradio 100.5, morning announcer on www.yourKawarthaOLDIES.com, and PA announcer at the Peterborough Memorial Centre. As an author, he has published in major newspapers and magazines and currently writes for LawyersandSettlements.com, a web portal based in Los Angeles. He has published three books: two on the life of Lester B. Pearson, and a book of essays. A novel is due in 2016. Gordon also operates GordonGibb.com, a freelance voiceover business. You can follow him on Twitter at @GordoGibbo.

Articles by Gordon Gibb (10)

Nicole Grady

Nicole Grady

Nicole Grady looks at balancing a busy career with family demands while staying sane in today’s hectic and fast-paced world. You can follow Nicole on Twitter at @nicgrady.

Articles by Nicole Grady (1)

Stu Harrison

Stu Harrison

Stuart "Stu" Harrison writes a weekly column about business news and hosts a business segment every Monday evening on CHEX-TV's Newswatch. Stu has extensive marketing and advertising experience and was owner of Harrison Advertising. He is currently the General Manager of the Greater Peterborough Area Chamber of Commerce.

Articles by Stu Harrison (61)

Matt Higgs

Matt Higgs

Matt Higgs was GreenUP's Communications and Marketing Specialist and authored a weekly column focused on all things environmental that was published in the Peterborough Examiner and on kawarthaNOW.com. A native of New Brunswick, Matt has called the Kawarthas and Northumberland home since 2008. Follow GreenUP on Twitter or connect with them on Facebook.

Articles by Matt Higgs (75)

Peter Hughes

Peter Hughes

Peter Hughes is the Executive Director of Peterborough GreenUP. With 28 years of public service, Peter has directed a municipal Parks and Recreation department and taught in post-secondary education. Peter's formal education is in Environmental Resource science and community development. Peter has been active throughout the Greater Peterborough, City of Kawartha Lakes, and northern Durham region as a volunteer with emerging community groups. He is an avid community builder who uses citizen science and community gardening as a way to promote active citizenship. You can follow Peter on Twitter at @ptbohughes and GreenUP at @ptbogreenup.

Articles by Peter Hughes (2)

Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay

Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay

Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay is the Editor-in-Chief of Arthur Newspaper where he mainly covers Peterborough City Hall and stories related to Trent-Peterborough relations and the university’s Board of Governors. His writing has appeared on the Canadian music website DOMINIONATED. He has been a programmer at Trent Radio since 2021 where he has hosted shows about Canadian music and features interviews with local artists and personalities. In his free time, Sebastian can be found at a local concert or thinking about, reading about, or watching baseball, depending on the time of year

Articles by Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay (9)

Paula Kehoe

Paula Kehoe

A regular contributor to kawarthaNOW, Paula Kehoe is a writer based in Peterborough. She is the owner of Red Rock Communications supporting brands with copywriting and content creation services. You can follow Paula on Twitter @pkehoe1 and Instagram @redrockwrites or visit www.redrockcommunications.ca.

Articles by Paula Kehoe (77)

Bill Kimball

Bill Kimball

Bill Kimball has been involved in many aspects of the Peterborough arts community, particularly in the areas of contemporary dance, theatre and performance. He has been instrumental in the creation of a number of live performance spaces in Peterborough, beginning in the early 1980s with City Stage (a performance space aligned with Artspace that later became the Union Theatre) and continuing to the present with various renovations to the Market Hall. In 1994, Bill created a nationally recognized dance presenting program called Peterborough New Dance, which later expanded its mandate into other forms of performance and became Public Energy, a name which reflects his desire to integrate the work of contemporary artists into public life as much as possible.

Articles by Bill Kimball (1)

Carol Lawless

Carol Lawless

Carol Lawless is the fund development coordinator at the New Canadians Centre Peterborough. She is also a writer and editor with more than 30 years' experience. Carol lives in Peterborough with her daughters Grace and Joan and their beagle, Lally. You can follow Carol on Twitter at @CarolLawless.

Articles by Carol Lawless (49)

Sarah Lazure

Sarah Lazure

Sarah Lazure is the former General Manager and Artistic Producer at Peterborough Symphony Orchestra. She has a lifelong passion for the arts. She is trained in communications design and project management, and has worked with arts, environmental and service organizations in Canada and the United Kingdom. She is a graduate of the University of Toronto and Fleming College. Visit the Peterborough Symphony Orchestra website at thepso.org and follow them on Twitter at @ThePSO and on Facebook.

Articles by Sarah Lazure (16)

Don McBride

Don McBride

Don McBride is a retired elementary school principal and part-time blues musician. He's an avid supporter of the live music scene in Peterborough and promotes musicians whenever he can.

Articles by Don McBride (3)

Elaine McCarthy

Elaine McCarthy

Elaine McCarthy is the Co-ordinator of the PC Cooking School, located upstairs at the Great Canadian Superstore at Lansdowne Place in Peterborough. Elaine has been cooking professionally for over 20 years and running the cooking school for five years. A mother of two girls, she has a passion for healthy eating and for teaching children about the importance of the food that we consume. Be sure to check our column about the PC Cooking School and facility rental. You can follow Elaine on Twitter at @PlanxtyIrwin.

Articles by Elaine McCarthy (21)

Sarah McNeilly

Sarah McNeilly

Sarah McNeilly is an artist, an academic, and an arts administrator. Though it would seem Sarah chooses occupations beginning only with the letter "A", she has become a contributor to kawarthaNOW in order to debunk that silly theory. Sarah has reluctantly created an Instagram account, where she promises to eventually debut her very first selfie. You can follow her there @manically.hers or on Twitter @mick_neely. You can also contact her via email at sarahmcneilly@trentu.ca.

Articles by Sarah McNeilly (59)

Marie Miller

Marie Miller

Marie Miller is a Peterborian at heart, having lived in the city for 30 years. Recently, she embarked on a new adventure in country living as she took up residence in Northumberland County with her husband and daughter. She loves good food, belly laughs, and proper grammar. You can find her on Instagram at @alltheamusement.

Articles by Marie Miller (1)

Abigayle Partington

Abigayle Partington

Abigayle Partington is a Grade 10 student at Norwood District High School. She loves animals and plans to study veterinary medicine while also finding time to travel the world.

Articles by Abigayle Partington (2)

Becca Partington

Becca Partington

Becca Partington lives in Norwood and works to address emotional awareness and adeptness with youth engagement and caregiver support programs. She’s the mother of two, a caregiver to her son (Type 1 diabetic) and mom (stroke survivor) and a lover of good hugs and good friends. She advocates for her passions along side her work partner at www.cast-canada.ca and www.thecastprojects.ca.

Articles by Becca Partington (1)

Kristian Partington

Kristian Partington

Kristian Partington is a freelance writer based in Norwood, Ontario, who covers a range of subjects, from music and art to health and aging in society. He can be reached at pwritingstudios@gmail.com or visit kristianpartington.com. You can also follow him on Twitter @kjpartington.

Articles by Kristian Partington (12)

Jeanne Pengelly

Jeanne Pengelly

Jeanne Pengelly is a television and radio news journalist with a Master's Degree in Journalism. Even before she got her first typewriter at age 12, she had decided she would be a writer. Highlights of her career include founding the McMaster University creative writing journal, living in a remote northern community on James Bay where she edited a newspaper and trained young television journalists, and being a non-fiction nominee for the Pacific Northwest Writers’ Association. Jeanne's many interests include creative writing, photography, music, teaching, needlecrafts, fitness, and golf. You can follow Jeanne on Twitter @JeannePengelly.

Articles by Jeanne Pengelly (82)

Jennifer Pinarski

Jennifer Pinarski

Jennifer Pinarski is a born-and-raised Kawartha girl who gave up her big city job and lifestyle to live in rural Ontario with her husband while staying home to raise their two young children. Her enthusiasm for active adventure is contagious and she loves to share the area's best family-friendly attractions. When Jennifer isn't blogging for Today's Parent, she can be found chasing her barefoot kids though the great outdoors, tweeting and Instagramming as she goes. You can follow her @JenPinarski on Twitter and Instagram.

Articles by Jennifer Pinarski (8)

April Potter

April Potter

April Potter is a contributing writer located in Northumberland County. Her freelance work has been featured in a number of publications including Destination Weddings, Wedding Vacations, and My Business Magazine. Online she has contributed nationally across Corus radio station websites as a music and pop culture writer. Today she runs her own copywriting and social media management business. Follow her on Instagram @followapotter.

Articles by April Potter (33)

Kelsey Powell

Kelsey Powell

Kelsey Powell is a Peterborough-based writer and actor. He is the Artistic Administrator at 4th Line Theatre. He is a cultural enthusiast who is proud to be part of the vibrant culture of Peterborough and the Kawarthas. You can follow Kelsey on Twitter @Querl_ParaDox.

Articles by Kelsey Powell (1)

Émilie Quesnel

Émilie Quesnel

Émilie Quesnel is a radio journalist and writer who regularly produces content for CBC Radio. She holds a psychology degree from Trent University and loves writing about human behaviour and mental health. She’s also passionate about local and live music, feminism, puns, and the Oxford comma. You can find her on Twitter at @emilie_quesnel.

Articles by Émilie Quesnel (1)

Terry Rees

Terry Rees

Terry Rees is the Executive Director of the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations (FOCA), and is based in Peterborough, Ontario. FOCA has represented the interests of Ontario's waterfronts for over 50 years, and is one of the largest landowner membership organizations in the Province. Visit the FOCA website at foca.on.ca and follow Terry on Twitter @treesatthelake.

Articles by Terry Rees (4)

Barb Shaw

Barb Shaw

As a freelance writer, Barbara Shaw loves to craft compelling stories about everyday people doing not-so-everyday things. She creates content for social media campaigns, builds brands and, in her free time, shares her love of yoga and dance. You can contact her at bjshaw@sympatico.ca.

Articles by Barb Shaw (60)

Tammy Simon

Tammy Simon

Tammy Simon is a kawarthaNOW.com staff writer covering community news, food, the arts and entertainment. She is a foodie, a cat lover, and a photographer.

Articles by Tammy Simon (23)

Justin Sutton

Justin Sutton

Justin Sutton is a former television producer (CBC and CTV), writer, and researcher currently working in the non-profit sector. He’s passionate about history, music, film, politics, and dogs. The proud father of two daughters, Justin and his wife chose to settle in Peterborough in 2012. In their off time, you can find them in the woods, on the water, or enjoying one of the city’s many festivals. You can follow him on Twitter @PTBOJustin.

Articles by Justin Sutton (8)

Shannon Taylor

Shannon Taylor

With her finger on the pulse of the Peterborough arts scene, Shannon Taylor is committed to keeping you up to date on all the latest news and trends. Shannon's interests range from audio visual installation to drawing and painting in her signature whimsical style. You may run into Shannon in the great outdoors, sketchbook in hand, or at a local art opening. Follow her on Twitter @shannonmichelet and on Instagram at @shannonmicheletaylor.

Articles by Shannon Taylor (49)

Tammy Thorne

Tammy Thorne

Tammy Thorne likes bikes and independent media. She is the founding editor of dandyhorse, an arts and advocacy magazine by and for cyclists. She recently moved back to Peterborough from Toronto where she worked for many years in communications and media roles for some of the country's top non-profit organizations and publications. You can follow Tammy at dandyhorse on Twitter and Facebook.

Articles by Tammy Thorne (4)

Pat Trudeau

Pat Trudeau

Pat Trudeau is a local photographer, blogger and community observer. You can find Pat on Twitter at @pattrudeau as well as at the Trudeau Photography website, 500px, and Instagram. Pat's views are his own. They do not necessarily reflect those of kawarthaNOW.com or our sponsors or advertisers.

Articles by Pat Trudeau (33)

Sam Tweedle

Sam Tweedle

Sam Tweedle is a former regular contributor to kawarthaNOW.com. He specialized in reviews of local theatre, as well as other stories about the performing arts community.

Articles by Sam Tweedle (358)