Authors Articles by Matt Higgs

Articles by Matt Higgs

Matt Higgs
75 Articles
Matt Higgs was GreenUP's Communications and Marketing Specialist and authored a weekly column focused on all things environmental that was published in the Peterborough Examiner and on A native of New Brunswick, Matt has called the Kawarthas and Northumberland home since 2008. Follow GreenUP on Twitter or connect with them on Facebook.
Make your central air conditioner smarter by enrolling in the free peaksaver PLUS service, offered by Peterborough Distribution Inc.

Reduce your use to save energy and money

Join thousands of households who are reducing Peterborough's demand for electricity.
The iconic monarch butterfly has been in sharp decline in recent years. You can learn more about the life cycle and habitat of the monarch butterfly at a workshop hosted by Peterborough GreenUp later this month. (Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

Will our children remember the monarch?

Learn more about the troubled butterfly at a Peterborough GreenUp workshop on August 22.
Storm water runoff carries pollutants commonly found on streets and other paved surfaces like pet waste, motor oil, cleaners and other chemicals directly into waterways. Using rain barrels, picking up after your pet, and reducing paved surfaces are all ways we can reduce storm water runoff and keep our waterways cleaner. (Photo: Wikipedia)

Six ways you can reduce storm water runoff and keep water clean

A healthy watershed starts in our own backyards
A woman practices yoga on the street at Open Streets in Thunder Bay. Peterborough's first open streets events, Peterborough Pulse, kicks off at 9 a.m. on July 18. Peterborough will open up selected city streets to a variety of fun activities and events, creating a vibrate, playful, and active car-free corridor between Peterborough's downtown and the Saturday Farmers' Market. (Photo: CNW Group/Open Streets Toronto)

Turning Peterborough’s streets into a people’s playground

Peterborough Pulse "Open Streets" event takes place on Saturday, July 18.
While climate change may have some benefits to Ontario like an extended growing season, those benefits are well outweighed by risks like stronger storms, flooding rains, and drought — as is seen here in Texas. Ontario's Environment Commissioner warns that province needs to step up its game to meet its 2020 carbon reduction targets. (Photo: Bob Nichols/USDA)

Ontario must work harder to meet climate change targets

Environmental watchdog warns that impacts of climate change will continue to grow.
Eligible participants in the Home Assistance Program receive free energy-efficient upgrades like programmable thermostats, window air conditioners, or even a refrigerator — all at no charge.

Lower your energy costs and your hydro bill this summer

Free energy-saving home retrofits for Peterborough, Lakefield, and Norwood residents.
With the decline of pollinator species likes bees, adding native plants and wildflowers to your backyard are important steps to helping reverse the pollinator decline (photo: Wikipedia)

Ontario to protect bees and other pollinators starting July 1st

You can also help protect pollinators by creating a bee-friendly backyard.
With dry conditions sure to arrive in the weeks ahead, now is the time to think about effective watering techniques for lawns and gardens. Most lawns only require about an inch of water each week. (Photo: Robert Couse-Baker)

Watering tips to produce healthy lawns

Water in the early morning and get a rain barrel.
Saturday's DIY Day at the Peterborough Public Library will feature something for all interests, whether it's learning to repair small appliances, or creating unique, handcrafted gift items from bicycle parts. The event runs from 1 to 4 p.m.

Learn to do it yourself on DIY Day

Celebrate maker culture and help the environment on June 6 at the Peterborough Public Library.
There are hundreds of kilometres of trails throughout the Kawarthas, including the Trans Canada Trail (pictured here near Jackson Park in Peterborough). International Trails Week, running from June 1 - 6, is an opportunity to explore and discover local trails. (Photo: Drew Monkman,

Celebrate your favourite trails during International Trails Week

Annual celebration culminates with International Trails Day on Saturday, June 6.

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