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Articles by Paul Rellinger

Paul Rellinger
786 Articles
Paul Rellinger a.k.a Relly is an award-winning journalist and longtime former newspaper editor still searching for the perfect lead. When he's not putting pen to paper, Paul is on a sincere but woefully futile quest to own every postage stamp ever issued. A rabid reader of history, Paul claims to know who killed JFK but can't say out of fear for the safety of his oh so supportive wife Mary, his three wonderful kids and his three spirited grandchildren. Paul counts among his passions Peterborough's rich live music scene, the Toronto Maple Leafs, slopitch and retrieving golf balls from the woods. You can follow Paul on Twitter at @rellywrites.
Now available for download, the Workforce Development Board's Local Labour Market Planning Report for 2023-2024 is an extensive look at the challenges and opportunities facing both the demand and supply sides of the labour market in Peterborough, Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland, and Haliburton. (Graphic: kawarthaNOW)

New Workforce Development Board report details regional labour market challenges and opportunities

2023-24 Local Labour Market Planning Report is a comprehensive look at employment demand and supply in Peterborough, Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland, and Haliburton,
Some of the cast during a rehearsal of the wedding scene for the Peterborough Theatre Guild's production of the beloved musical "Fiddler on the Roof," which runs for eight performances from February 16 to 25, 2024 at Showplace Performance Centre in downtown Peterborough. (Photo: Pat Hooper)

Beloved musical ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ readies to open at Peterborough’s Showplace

Peterborough Theatre Guild production of 60-year-old stage gem runs for eight performances from February 16 to 25.
Samantha Banton, a poet, an entrepreneur, and a licensed paralegal, is one of the Peterborough residents profiled in the New Canadians Centre's "Our Neighbourhood" video series, which highlights the unique stories, experiences, and journeys of newcomers. As well as celebrating the diversity of newcomers to Peterborough, the video series also explores the discrimination and racism they often face. (kawarthaNOW screenshot of video by Jeremy Kelly / Impact Communication

‘Our Neighbourhood’ video series celebrates successes and addresses challenges faced by newcomers to Peterborough

New Canadians Centre project profiling six residents is a 'conversation starter' around racism and discrimination.
Conner Clarkin, owner of Revelstoke Café, will be opening Bar 379 in mid March at the former location of The Twisted Wheel at 379 Water Street in downtown Peterborough. The new live music venue will host bands from a range of genres, with punk music and hip-hop being Clarkin's personal passion. (Photo: Paul Rellinger / kawarthaNOW)

New live music venue to open in mid March at former Twisted Wheel in...

Revelstoke Café owner Conner Clarkin's Bar 379 will also bring craft beer and cocktails to the vacant Water Street space.
The Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) has announced the second annual Ptbo Hot Chocolate Fest will take place during the month of February, featuring 19 over-the-top hot chocolate creations from downtown Peterborough's most creative chocolatiers, pastry shops, bakeries, cafes and restaurants. Pictured are Peterborough & the Kawarthas Business Advisory Centre manager and DBIA board member Madeline Hurrell, Peterborough and the Kawarthas Economic Development tourism marketing and communications officer Cara Walsh, and Black Honey owner and executive chef Jenn Miles, with Black Honey's hot cocoa served up in an edible chocolate cup. (Photo: Jeannine Taylor / kawarthaNOW)

How sweet it is! Peterborough’s Hot Chocolate Fest back for a second year

DBIA-organized festival sees downtown businesses vying for title of Top Hot Chocolatier with 19 unique creations served through February.
One of Canada's greatest songwriters, Willie P. Bennett (pictured here in the 1970s) died at the age of 56 from a heart attack in his Peterborough home on February 15, 2008. Ever since, Peterborough musicians have gathered in February to perform the "Blue Valentine" tribute in his honour. (Photo: Willie P. Bennett Legacy Project)

‘Blue Valentine’ on February 10 honours legendary Peterborough singer-songwriter Willie P. Bennett

Pat Temple and a host of musician friends pay homage to late musician at Jethro's Bar + Stage in 16th annual tribute.
The inductees of JA-NEO's 2024 Business Hall of Fame give the thumbs-up to photographer Clifford Skarstedt at VentureNorth in downtown Peterborough on January 17, 2024. Pictured (left to right, front to back): Gwyneth James, Jeaninne Taylor, Cindy Koskowski on behalf of John Cunningham, Nicole Truman, Richard Labelle, Jill and Robert Staples, Mike and Andrew Winslow, and Cora Whittington. Not pictured are Tim Barrie, Chris Winslow, and Steve and Tom Gerolamy. (Photo: Bruce Head / kawarthaNOW)

Peterborough’s Business Hall of Fame reveals its class of ’24

kawarthaNOW founder and publisher Jeannine Taylor among the local entrepreneurs JA-NEO is formally inducting this May.
Community Futures Peterborough board chair Charlina Westbye and executive director Devon Girard with Peterborough County Warden Bonnie Clark and Peterborough Mayor Jeff Leal at VentureNorth in downtown Peterborough on January 16, 2024 for the announcement of the $50,000 Community Advancement Program, which will provide non-repayable funding of up to $5,000 for businesses, not-for-profits, and individuals in the City and County of Peterborough who successfully apply for programs that boost business attraction, investment, retention, and employment in the community. (Photo: Jeannine Taylor / kawarthaNOW)

Community Futures Peterborough making $50,000 available to businesses, non-profits, and individuals

Applications being accepted until March 8 for non-repayable funding under new Community Advancement Program.
Kawartha Commons Cohousing has selected a site in Peterborough to create the first cohousing development in the Kawarthas. Pictured is Wolf Willow, a 21-unit cohousing project in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan geared towards seniors, that opened in 2012. (Photo via Canadian Cohousing Network)

Ground-breaking for Peterborough’s first cohousing development eyed for 2025

With the purchase of a Maryland Avenue property, Kawartha Commons Cohousing is slowly but surely moving ahead on its long-held vision.
32-year-old Eric Roter died tragically on September 25, 2023, 13 years after he was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder. His family and friends say they faced continued obstacles and a lack of resources when trying to get Eric the help he needed for his mental illness. On December 19, less than three months after his death and the day before his 33rd birthday, Eric's sister Haley Scriver announced the launch of Roter's Reach Mental Health Awareness in his memory. (Photo courtesy of the Roter family)

Roter’s Reach Mental Health Awareness launched as family decries lack of supports, resources that...

Fundraising initiative founded in honour of Eric Roter, who struggled with bipolar disorder for 13 years before his death this past September.

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