Two unattended cars stolen while warming up in driveway

Police advise owners to stay with vehicle at all times

Car tailpipe in winter

Police are reminding the public not to leave cars unattended while warming them up during the extreme cold weather.

Two of five recent stolen vehicle investigation by the Northumberland Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) involved owners who said they left their vehicles running in their driveways idling with the keys in the ignition.

In another case, the owner left a set of keys in his unlocked car.

All but one vehicle has since been recovered; a blue 2005 Nissan Murano with Ontario licence plates #BYEN192 remains outstanding.

Police advise an unlocked car is an open invitation to thieves to steal any valuables you have left inside. And if you leave keys in the ignition or a spare set in the glove compartment, this can lead to far more serious consequences.

A thief can commit other criminal acts with your car, knowing that the car is not registered to them. They can also drive dangerously when approached by police leading to devastating consequences.

Unless your vehicle is equipped with a remote starter so the vehicle can be warmed up but not driven, the best advice is to always stay with your vehicle.

Do not leave keys inside your vehicle, even if locked in the glove compartment. Police also advise not to leave garage door openers inside your vehicle. There have been incidents where thieves have entered a vehicle and then used the garage door opener to gain access to homes.

And don’t leave your insurance or vehicle permit in your glove compartment. Thieves can also steal these documents to commit fraud or steal your identity.