Laboratory team at Campbellford Memorial Hospital in Trent Hills receives accreditation

Hospital says meeting over 98 per cent of required standards places team among top-performing labs in the region

Campbellford Memorial Hospital's laboratory team recently earned accreditation by meeting over 98 per cent of the required standards. (Photo: Campbellford Memorial Hospital / Facebook)
Campbellford Memorial Hospital's laboratory team recently earned accreditation by meeting over 98 per cent of the required standards. (Photo: Campbellford Memorial Hospital / Facebook)

Laboratory employees of Campbellford Memorial Hospital (CMH) are being recognized for their “exceptional efforts” that have earned the department accreditation.

The Municipality of Trent Hills hospital recently announced its lab team achieved an “almost perfect” score across all standards in the accreditation process.

“Campbellford Memorial Hospital is proud to announce that our laboratory has successfully achieved accreditation, meeting over 98 per cent of the required standards,” says Peter Mitchell, executive assistant/communications and community relations manager.

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“Out of 423 measured criteria, we passed 418, demonstrating our commitment to excellence in quality, safety, and patient care. Action plans are already in place to address the remaining five standards, ensuring continuous improvement,” Mitchell told kawarthaNOW.

“This achievement reflects the dedication and expertise of our laboratory team, whose hard work and adherence to best practices have positioned us among the top-performing labs in our region. We thank our staff for their exceptional efforts and for truly giving their best, every day.”

Tests and procedures are conducted at CMH by qualified radiology and laboratory technologists using state-of-the-art technology. The hospital services for inpatients are available 24/7 365 days a year, and focus on providing patients with information about their health as it pertains to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

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CMH noted its lab is equipped with the sophisticated computerized instrumentation for timely and accurate testing, which allows its team to effectively process tests, in areas such as chemistry, hematology, microbiology, transfusion medicine, serology, pathology and cytology.

Services include:

Hematology: For the detection of changes in blood cells that may indicate disease states such as anemia, infection and leukemia. Coagulation (blood clotting) testing is also performed to monitor patients on anticoagulant therapy, to detect bleeding disorders (hemophilia) and thrombolytic disorders.

Pathology/Cytology: For the preparation of all tissue specimens and body fluids removed at surgery, by needle biopsy or aspiration for examination by a pathologist, who then makes a diagnosis.

Clinical Chemistry: For the detection of changes in bodily functions through the testing and monitoring of blood chemical constituents, drugs, enzymes, lipids, proteins and hormone analysis.

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Microbiology: For the detection of disease causing organisms from a variety of body sources and includes the identification and subsequent antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bacteria and fungi.

Transfusion Medicine: More commonly known as ‘blood banking”, this area of laboratory medicine deals with compatibility testing and preparation of blood and blood components for transfusion and selective treatment of various conditions.

Serology: For the detection and identification of antibodies that are typically formed in response to an infection (Mononucleosis) and other disease states (Rheumatic illness).

Cardiac Testing: For the detection of changes in the heart’s electrical activity in assessing and monitoring of a new or existing heart condition.

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CMH provides the only local laboratory service in its broad catchment area.

Out-patient testing is available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

For more information and to book an appointment, visit