Level A Professional Group and The Staffing Connection has donated 100 plush stuffed teddy bears to the Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society and the Peterborough Police Service.
The Children’s Aid Society will use the toys to comfort children in their care who have faced or are facing challenging times.
“I thank The Staffing Connection and Level A Professional Group for their generous donation of teddy bears to the Society,” says Jennifer Wilson, Executive Director of the Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society. “These bears will be a comfort to young people who, through no fault of their own, face challenging circumstances in their young lives.”
Members of the Peterborough Police Service — including uniformed members, detectives, and victim services personnel — will also be handing out the teddy bears during their course of work to children who are in distress or who have experienced a traumatic incident.
“We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the donation of these bears from Level A and The Staffing Connection,” says Alice Czitrom, Victim Services Co-ordinator with the Peterborough Police Service.
“They help minimize the psychological impact of trauma and they also help forge a bond between that officer and the child,” she adds. “These bears help us do a better job by addressing the basic needs of a child to be comforted in times of crisis and uncertainty.”
Steve Daynes, General Manager of Level A Professional Group and The Staffing Connection, made the donation of the teddy bears on behalf of the company.
“I am honoured to call Peterborough my home and I feel donating locally is an essential piece of being part of a community,” Daynes says. “The Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society and the Police Victim Services Unit help children in incredible ways every day. I hope the teddy bears assist in making a small, positive difference for 100 vulnerable children in traumatic situations.”
Level A Professional Group, a full-service personnel agency, and The Staffing Connection, offering employment services, are headquartered in Peterborough with offices in Cobourg and Barrie. For more information, visit www.levela.net and www.thestaffingconnection.ca.