In lieu of this month’s Peterborough Musicians Benevolent Association (PMBA) Deluxe Blues Jam on Saturday, June 17th, we’re hosting the fourth annual Phil Marshall Birthday Bash. It’s happening from 12 to 6 p.m. at Dr. J’s BBQ & Brews (282 Aylmer St. N, Peterborough, 705-874-5717).
This is the PMBA’s only major fundraiser each year and it’s always around the anniversary of Phil’s birthday. One of the reasons Phil started the PMBA was as a way to give back to our local musicians who occasionally need a hand up.
When he died unexpectedly of a heart attack at the age of 61, Phil left behind a legacy that represented his respect and admiration for the Peterborough and area musical community.
Thanks to the loyal supporters of the PMBA, and of the live music scene in Peterborough, we’ve been able to assist over 30 musicians to the tune of $12,300. We can’t thank them enough.
And of course we couldn’t do it without the support of our wonderful local musicians who give up their time and talent so willingly on the third Saturday of every month to help us with this cause.

Phil’s Birthday Bash is the only time all year that the third Saturday is not an open jam, and also the one and only time there’s a cover charge. Not only do you support the PMBA with the $10 cover, you also get to enjoy a wonderful afternoon of excellent music.
Every cent raised goes into the PMBA bank account so we can continue doing what we love to do — supporting our local musicians.

Six bands will each be performing 45 minute sets, so the music just keeps rolling on all afternoon. The bands we have lined up for you this year are: the Victory Boys, the Rick and Gailie Band, the Quick Shifters, the Fabulous Tonemasters, the Bridget Foley Band, and Water Street Slim and the Unlikely Heroes.
We also have raffle draws for great prizes that are donated by supporters in our community.
So mark this Saturday on your calendarand please try to come out and support this great cause of assisting our local musicians to “get by with a little help from their friends”. It will be a fun afternoon and you’re sure not to be disappointed.
If you’ve been attending the Deluxe Blues Jams, you know it’s become THE place to be, so get there early and grab a good seat! Dr. J’s is on the corner of King and Aylmer.
“If you love the Blues, spread the news!”