Visit the Chamber at Community Events
This summer, the Kawartha Chamber has been keeping busy providing local information, maps, and brochures at a number of community events including the All Ways Apsley Motorcycle Rendevous, Lakefield Fairy & Dragon Festival, Lakefield Canada Day celebrations, and the Lakefield Jazz, Art and Crafts Festival.
Be sure to visit the Chamber at the following community events this summer:
- Ennismore Shamrock Festival, July 21st-23rd
- Lakefield Sidewalk Sale, August 12th
- Rock the Locks, August 26th
Marketing Opportunity with kawarthaNOW.com

The Kawartha Chamber and kawarthaNOW.com have partnered to create a monthly affordable editorial campaign for Kawartha Chamber members. You may have noticed the campaigns that have been running over the past few months.
The Kawartha Chamber members who have taken part have reported good results and are booking future features. kawarthaNOW is now booking for the busy fall and Christmas seasons. Choose the month that you wish to promote your business and reach a five-county area and over 200,000 unique readers monthly.
The feature is subsidized by the Chamber, and packed with extra social media promotion and extensive digital reach. One of kawarthaNOW’s journalists will do the writing and leg work to create a great promotion for your business. Contact kawarthaNOW today and we’ll email you the details – Holly Wilson Sales & Marketing, 705-928-2694 Holly@kawarthaNOW.com or Jeannine Taylor at the kawarthaNOW.com office at 705-742-6404.
Lakefield Parking Survey

The Township of Selwyn is gathering information about current parking facilities in the Village of Lakefield and ways that businesses are working together to provide parking.
Once the data from surveys, on-site observations and camera data is reviewed, Tranplan (an organization hired by the Township to help with parking review) will make recommendations on ways to consolidate and improve parking. The Township wants to hear your ideas too.
Please complete this survey by July 14th — it will take less than five minutes. Click here to take the survey.
The Village of Lakefield has a combination of public and private parking and if we all work together we can help improve the parking in the downtown!
Available Space in Lakefield
Facility Partnership Meeting July 19th

Lakefield District Public School (formerly Lakefield District Secondary School) currently has one main floor room available for rent.
When Kawartha Pine Ridge schools have under-utilized space, the board can lease that space out to a group to use for their purposes (office space, program space etc.). This group must be willing to act in accordance with the Board Facility Partnership Principles, as well as enter into a lease agreement with KPR.
Attend the Facility Partnership Meeting on July 19th for more information. Meeting details above. Learn more.
Lakefield Literary Festival, July 14th-16th

This coming weekend from July 14th to July 16th, the Lakefield Literary Festival is taking place throughout Lakefield. Enjoy a variety of events showcasing Canadian authors and promoting the joy of reading and writing among children and adults.
For only $109, the festival pass includes readings for the whole weekend and a Sir John’s Picnic, or just pick a certain event you’d like and go! Click here for a full itinerary of activities for this event.
Apsley & District Lions Club Giant Flea Market, July 15th
The Apsley & District Lions Club is hosting a Giant Flea Market this Saturday, July 15th.
This event will feature bargain prices on everything from toys to TVs, furniture, appliances, sporting goods, and a whole array of things you didn’t know you needed. There will also be vendors and auctions to enjoy.
Make sure to arrive at the North Kawartha Community Centre early in the morning so you can get the best bargains!
Lockside Trading Art at the Locks
Calling all artists and art lovers! Lockside Trading Company is hosting Art at the Locks this weekend on July 15th and July 16th!
There will be a variety of art including paintings, carvings, photography, and much more. A percentage of sales support the Kawartha Artists’ Gallery & Studio’s Best of High School Art Show for students scholarships.
“Buying the Moose” at Buckhorn Community Centre
Buckhorn Community Centre presents the Hall’s Bridge Players in “Buying the Moose” on Wednesday, July 19th and Thursday, July 20th and on Wednesday, July 26 and Thursday, July 27th.
Doors open at 6 p.m. and the play starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $22 each and include the live comedy, dessert, and coffee/tea. Tickets are on sale now; call 705-657-8833. Visit www.buckhorncommunitycentre.com for details.
Vote Lang Pioneer Village for Ontario’s Choice Award

Help Lang Pioneer Village win Ontario’s Choice Top Small Museum/Art Gallery/Historic Site! Vote daily until October 5th. Click here to vote!
Upcoming Events

- Warsaw Cruise Night – July 12th
- Free Movies in the Park – July 13th
- Lakefield Farmers’ Market – July 13th
- Cruise Night at Craftworks at the Barn – July 13th
- Stoney Lake Sprint – July 15th
- Bridgenorth Cruise Night – July 17th
- Buckhorn Market – July 18th
For more information about the businesses and events listed above, please visit the Kawartha Chamber of Commerce & Tourism website at kawarthachamber.ca.
All photos supplied by Kawartha Chamber of Commerce except where noted.