Submit a Nomination for Business Awards of Excellence

What business or organization comes to mind when you think of tourism in the Kawarthas? Do you know a business that recently underwent renovation, or continuously maintains high aesthetic standards? Do you know a person under the age of 35 who is a business owner, or an employee of influence within their organization?
Recognize the businesses, organizations, and individuals who make our business community unique and vibrant! Please take a few moments to submit a nomination for the Business Awards of Excellence by visiting kawarthachamber.ca/nominations.
Nomination forms only take a few minutes to complete and are mobile responsive so they can be easily completed on your mobile device.
Tickets on Sale Now for the 18th Annual Awards of Excellence Gala
Awards will be presented at the 18th Annual Awards of Excellence Gala on Friday, November 3rd at Elmhirst’s Resort.
Reserve your tickets now!. Tickets are $85+HST, or $680+HST for a table of eight.
Business After Hours: Buckhorn Hop
Join the Chamber on Wednesday, September 20th for Business After Hours from 5 to 7 p.m. to visit Chamber members in Buckhorn including:
- Gallery on the Lake
- Buckhorn Canoe Company
- Style Your Nest
Times to be confirmed. Learn about these unique businesses in the hamlet of Buckhorn. Register now.
5 Minutes for Business: Hammering Business – Finance Canada’s New Crackdown
The government has just proposed the most radical tax overhaul in 50 years. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is particularly worried about the impact on business from (1) a new tax on investment income in a corporation and (2) tough new rules for compensation in family businesses.
In this special edition of 5 Minutes for Business, Hendrik Brakel, Canadian Chamber Senior Director, Economic, Financial and Tax Policy, looks at what is driving the government’s new crackdown on private corporations. Read 5 Minutes for Business.
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce encourages you to contact your local MP to tell him/her the government is proposing to hammer business with tax changes that will hurt families and punish entrepreneurs.
Cutting Red Tape in the Chemical Manufacturing Sector
Ontario is asking businesses and the public to help identify and improve regulations that are unclear, outdated, redundant or unnecessarily costly for the province’s chemical manufacturing sector.
Input received will help make it easier for businesses to interact with government, innovate, and grow without jeopardizing necessary standards that protect the public interest.
Feedback can be provided online by visiting ontario.ca/RedTapeChallenge. The deadline to submit suggestions is September 30th.
Accelerate to International Markets (AIM) Program
If you are interested in exporting internationally, but aren’t sure where to start, then Ontario Export Services is happy to be your partner at the outset of this exciting journey.
The two-day AIM workshops will help set you up for successful exporting of your goods and services abroad. They take place at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club on September 26th and 27th from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Learn more.
Rock the Locks Buckhorn Lock 31 – August 26th

Come out this weekend to the annual Rock the Locks at Buckhorn Lock 31 and celebrate the Trent Severn Waterway.
The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, August 26th along Lock 31 and main street in Buckhorn. Enjoy a classic car show, vendors along the canal, live music, petting zoo, ARTivity Zone, horse and buggy rides, free pontoon boat rides, and much more.
Visit rockthelocks.ca for more information.
Walk-a-Thon for Community Care Lakefield
Come out and support the Community Care Walk-a-Thon on Saturday, August 26th starting at 10:30 a.m.
Collect pledges and enjoy a five kilometre walk along the river from the Lakefield Legion to Lock 25. Upon your return, there will be a BBQ, entertainment, and prizes.
To register, call 705-652-8655.
Cuddles for Cancer Tea Party Fundraiser – August 26th

On Saturday, August 26th, Cuddles for Cancer is hosting a Tea Party Fundraiser to celebrate the charity’s five year anniversary.
The Tea Party is being held at St. John’s Anglican Church in Lakefield from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The day will include a full luncheon, and presentation of Faith Dickinson’s photos of the past 5 years of Cuddles for Cancer, including photos from Faith’s recent trip to London where she was presented with The Legacy Award in honour of Princess Diana.
Tickets are $20, and can be purchased at the Century 21 office, 15 Queen Street in Lakefield. Come out to celebrate Cuddles for Cancer and support this great cause!
Canal Pursuit for Defeat Depression – August 27th

The Bee’s Knees Encaustics is joining the Canal Pursuit for Defeat Depression as it passes through our region on Sunday, August 27th. You and your business can too! Participate in the run as it passes through your area by registering as a team or individual. Donations can be made by visiting the Canal Pursuit website or donate to The Bee’s Knees team.
The Canal Persuit will be passing through Buckhorn, Lakefield, Young’s Point, and Burleigh Falls on Sunday. The 750-km relay run will travel along the Trent-Severn Waterway and Rideau Waterway, ending on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. This initiative will help raise awareness and funds for mental health issues in cooperation with the Mood Disorders Society of Canada. Learn more.
Stony Lake Furniture Co. Sofa Raffle in Support of Lakefield Animal Welfare Society

Stony Lake Furniture Co. is raffling off a Lee Industries Sofa worth $4,600 plus a second slip cover.
Tickets are $20 and all proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to Lakefield Animal Welfare Society. The draw is taking place Saturday, August 26th.
Purchase your tickets at Stony Lake Furniture Co. in Lakefield, or purchase tickets online.
Lakefield Youth Unlimited Survey
If you live in Lakefield or the surrounding area, please complete a short survey for Lakefield Youth Unlimited. Click on the survey below that applies to you; it will take approximately two minutes to complete.
As we approach the new school year of 2017-18, the results of these surveys will be a huge help to gain understanding of needs of the youth and families in Lakefield and area.
Stoney Lake Salutation III – August 26th and 27th
On August 26th and 27th from 1 to 5 p.m., Viamede Resort and The Art Shop are teaming up to bring you an exciting event: Stoney Lake Salutation.
This event includes an exhibit of original paintings by your favourite renowned local artists. Come for a relaxing afternoon of art and live entertainment at the beautiful Viamede Resort on Stoney Lake.
Please RSVP to theartshop@bellnet.ca.
Yuk Yuk’s Comedy Tour in Aplsey – August 26th
The 4th Annual Yuk Yuk’s Fundraiser for the North Kawartha Skating Club is being held on Saturday, August 26th at the North Kawartha Community Centre.
The doors open at 6:30 p.m., along with refreshments and meals. The show starts at 8 p.m. and includes three great comedians this year, featuring Mike MacDonald.
Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door.
Upcoming Events
- Apsley Firefly Band Dinner and Concert – August 22nd
- Elmhirst’s Resort Tuned Up Tuesdays – August 22nd
- Warsaw Cruise Night – August 23rd
- Cruise Night at Craftworks at the Barn – August 24th
- Free Movies in the Park – August 24th
- Classy Chassis TGIT Ride Night – August 24th
- Lakefield Farmers Market – August 24th
- Bridgenorth Farmers Market – August 25th
- Free Canoe City Walking Tour – August 26th
- North Kawartha Skating Club Presents Yuk Yuk’s – August 26th
- Tea Party by Cuddles for Cancer – August 26th
- Classy Chassis BBQ – August 26th
For more information about the businesses and events listed above, please visit the Kawartha Chamber of Commerce & Tourism website at kawarthachamber.ca.
All photos supplied by Kawartha Chamber of Commerce except where noted.