Effective Monday (October 26), the COVID-19 testing centre previously located at Eastgate Memorial Park in Peterborough’s East City is moving inside Northcrest Arena at 100 Marina Boulevard.
To accommodate colder weather through the fall and winter seasons, drive-through testing will no longer be available. People with appointments will be asked to come inside the arena for their test.
Operating hours will continue to be 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, with testing available by appointment only. With appointment-based testing, traffic is not expected to be a problem at or around Northcrest Arena.
Testing at Northcrest Arena is only available for those who meet at least one of the following criteria:
- You are showing mild symptoms of COVID-19.
- Peterborough Public Health has informed you that you have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19.
- You have received a notification through the COVID Alert app (available from the Apple App Store or Google Play).
- You are part of an outbreak investigation as informed by Peterborough Public Health.
- You are required to be tested routinely, such as staff at long-term care and retirement homes.
- You are planning an indoor visit with a loved one at a long-term care home.
- You are a traveller without symptoms and require a test to confirm you do not have COVID-19 before travelling internationally.
- You have been advised by a medical professional that testing is required prior to a procedure.
- You are required to be tested before admission to a congregate setting or other facility.
To book online, visit s-ca.chkmkt.com/?e=210138&h=71305F7BD7FC4D6&l=en. This link is also available on the websites for Peterborough Regional Health Centre and Peterborough Public Health.

You can only book an appointment online, so if you don’t have internet access you’ll have to ask a friend or family member who does to help.
On the day of your appointment, arrive five minutes before your scheduled appointment time, bring your health card and driver’s licence (if you have one).
Clean your hands as you enter the arena, wear a mask inside at all times except when you are being tested, and keep a physical distance of two metres between yourself and other people.