Here’s an update on COVID-19 cases in Ontario as well as in the greater Kawarthas region.
Today, Ontario is reporting 945 new cases. However, this total includes only 112 cases for Toronto, due to a data error from Toronto Public Health’s migration to Ontario’s Contact and Case Management system. Toronto Public Health’s actual case count for February 10 as reported on its website is 411, meaning the actual provincial case count today is 1,244.
Today’s new cases include 8 more cases of the B.1.1.7 UK variant. The seven-day average of new cases has decreased by 109 to 1,264, although this average is based on the under-reported case count in Toronto.
In the greater Kawarthas region, there are 17 new cases to report and 7 additional cases resolved, with the number of active cases across the region increasing by 11 to 107. There have been 2 new COVID-related deaths in Kawartha Lakes.
Most of today’s new cases are in Peel (258), York (116), and Toronto (112) — although the actual case count reported by Toronto Public Health today is 411.
There are double-digit increases in Ottawa (63), Hamilton (46), Waterloo (41), Simcoe Muskoka (34), Durham (33), Halton (31), Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph (29), Windsor-Essex (25), Niagara (25), Middlesex-London (20), Eastern Ontario (15), Thunder Bay (12), Sudbury (11), and Southwestern (11), with smaller increases in Lambton (9), Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge (8), Huron Perth (8), and Chatham-Kent (7).
The remaining 13 health units are reporting 5 or fewer new cases, with 4 health units reporting no new cases at all.
Of today’s new cases, 56% are among people 39 and younger, with the highest number of cases (390) among people ages 20-39, followed by 238 cases among people ages 40-59.
With 1,344 more cases resolved since yesterday, the percentage of resolved cases has increased by 0.2% to 93.1%. The average positivity rate across Ontario has decreased by 0.2% to 2.3%, meaning that 23 out of every 1,000 tests performed were positive for COVID-19 on February 10.
Ontario is reporting 18 new COVID-19 deaths today, including 9 in long-term care homes. Ontario has averaged 32 new daily deaths over the past week.
Hospitalizations have decreased by 65 from yesterday to 883, with the number of patients with COVID-19 in ICUs decreasing by 14 to 299 and the number of patients with COVID-19 on ventilators decreasing by 15 to 211.
A total of 68,812 tests were completed yesterday, with the backlog of tests under investigation increasing by 1,658 to 43,383.
A total of 426,836 doses of vaccine have now been administered, an increase of 14,717 from yesterday, with 136,988 people fully vaccinated with both doses of vaccine, an increase of 11,263 from yesterday.
There are 29 new cases in Ontario schools, a decrease of 2 from yesterday, including 22 student cases and 7 staff cases. There are 16 new cases in licensed child care settings in Ontario, a decrease of 9 from yesterday, with 9 cases among children and 7 cases among staff.
In the greater Kawarthas region, there are 17 new cases to report, including 7 in Kawartha Lakes, 4 in Hastings Prince Edward, 3 in Northumberland, 2 in Peterborough, and 1 in Haliburton.
There are 2 new COVID-related deaths in Kawartha Lakes, including another death of a resident at Caressant Care McLaughlin Road in Lindsay, raising the total number of resident deaths to 14 since the current outbreak at the long-term care home was declared on January 9.
There is 1 new hospitalization in Northumberland.
An additional 7 cases have been resolved, including 4 in Northumberland and 3 in Kawartha Lakes.
There are currently 107 active cases in the greater Kawarthas region, an increase of 11 from yesterday, including 50 in Kawartha Lakes, 26 in Northumberland, 16 in Peterborough, 13 in Hastings Prince Edward (3 in Quinte West, 7 in Belleville, and 3 in Tyendinga Mohawk Territory), and 2 in Haliburton.
Since the pandemic began in the greater Kawarthas region, there have been 565 confirmed positive cases in the Peterborough area (540 resolved with 9 deaths), 502 in the City of Kawartha Lakes (415 resolved with 50 deaths), 401 in Northumberland County (366 resolved with 9 deaths), 52 in Haliburton County (50 resolved with no deaths), and 381 in Hastings and Prince Edward counties (363 resolved with 5 deaths). The two most recent deaths were reported in Kawartha Lakes on February 11.
The provincial data in this report is pulled from Ontario’s integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 12 p.m. the previous day. Data from local health units is more current and is usually reflected in the provincial data the following day. There may be discrepancies between the Ontario data reported today (which is from yesterday) and the local health unit data reported today (which is from today).
Peterborough Public Health
Peterborough Public Health’s service area is the City and County of Peterborough and the Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations.
The health unit provides daily reports, including on weekends, excluding statutory holidays.
Confirmed positive: 565 (increase of 2)
Active cases: 16 (increase of 2)
Close contacts: 64 (increase of 5)
Deaths: 9 (no change)
Resolved: 540 (no change)
Hospitalizations (total to date): 24 (no change)*
Total tests completed: Over 42,200 (increase of 50)
Outbreaks: Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Peterborough Retirement Residence (no change)
Vaccine doses administered: 976 (as of February 10)
*As of February 11, Peterborough Regional Health Centre is reporting 3 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 (a decrease of 1 from yesterday) and 17 patients transferred from other areas as a result of a provincial directive (an increase of 3 from yesterday).
Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit
The Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit’s service area is the City of Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland County, and Haliburton County.
The health unit provides reports from Monday to Saturday, excluding Sundays and statutory holidays.
Confirmed positive: 955, including 502 in Kawartha Lakes, 401 in Northumberland, and 52 in Haliburton (increase of 11, including 7 in Kawartha Lakes, 3 in Northumberland, and 1 in Haliburton)*
Active cases: 78, including 50 in Kawartha Lakes, 26 in Northumberland, and 2 in Haliburton (net increase of 6)
Probable cases: 3, including 2 in Northumberland and 1 in Kawartha Lakes (no change)
High-risk contacts: 213, including 102 in Kawartha Lakes, 89 in Northumberland, and 4 in Haliburton (net increase of 34)**
Hospitalizations (total to date): 38, including 26 in Kawartha Lakes, 10 in Northumberland, and 2 in Haliburton (increase of 1 in Kawartha Lakes)***
Deaths (including among probable cases): 59, including 50 in Kawartha Lakes and 9 in Northumberland (increase of 2 in Kawartha Lakes)
Resolved: 831, including 415 in Kawartha Lakes, 366 in Northumberland, 50 in Haliburton (increase of 7, including 3 in Kawartha Lakes and 4 in Northumberland)
Tests completed: 132,169 (increase of 843)
Institutional outbreaks: Caressant Care McLaughlin Road long-term care home in Lindsay, Central East Correctional Centre in Lindsay (two outbreaks), Regency long-term care home in Port Hope, Hyland Crest long-term care home in Minden, Extendicare Cobourg long-term care home, Extendicare Cobourg Landmark retirement home, Pinecrest Nursing Home in Bobcaygeon, Cobourg Police (no change)
*The health unit states that total counts and counts for individual counties may fluctuate from previously reported counts as cases are transferred to or from the health unit based on case investigation details and routine data cleaning.
**This total includes an additional 16 high-risk contacts directly followed up through the Public Health Ontario contact tracing process that are missing the contacts’ county.
***As of February 11, Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay reports 1 patient is hospitalized with COVID-19 (no change since yesterday).
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health’s service area is Hastings County (including Bancroft) and Prince Edward County.
The health unit provides daily reports, including on weekends, excluding statutory holidays.
Confirmed positive: 381 (increase of 4)
Active cases: 13 (increase of 4)
Deaths: 5 (no change)
Currently hospitalized: 0 (no change)
Currently hospitalized and in ICU: 0 (no change)
Currently hospitalized and in ICU on ventilator (total to date): 0 (no change)
Resolved: 363 (no change)
Tests completed: 50,958 (increase of 19)
Vaccines administered: 1,301 (increase of 205)
Institutional outbreaks: None (no change)
Province of Ontario
Confirmed positive: 282,511 (increase of 945)*
7-day average of new cases: 1,264 (decrease of 109)*
Resolved: 263,044 (increase of 1,344, 93.1% of all cases)
Positivity rate: 2.3% (decrease of 0.2%)
Hospitalizations: 883 (decrease of 65)
Hospitalizations in ICU: 299 (decrease of 14)
Hospitalizations in ICU on ventilator: 211 (decrease of 15)
Deaths: 6,614 (increase of 18)
Deaths of residents in long-term care homes: 3,769 (increase of 9)
Total tests completed: 10,206,439 (increase of 68,812)
Tests under investigation: 43,383 (increase of 1,658)
Vaccination doses administered: 426,836 (increase of 14,717)
People fully vaccinated (two doses): 136,988 (increase of 11,263)
Total COVID-19 variant cases: 236 of B.1.1.7 UK variant (increase of 8); 3 of B.1.351 South Africa variant (no change); 1 of P.1 Brazilian variant (no change)**
*Due to Toronto Public Health’s migration to Ontario’s Contact and Case Management system, only 112 new cases are included in this report (this data error also affects the 7-day average of new cases). Toronto Public Health’s actual case count for February 10 as reported on its website is 411, meaning the actual provincial case count today is 1,244.
**Toronto Public Health reported a confirmed case of the P.1 Brazilian variant on February 8. This case is not yet included in the provincial data.

For more information about COVID-19 in Ontario, visit