YWCA Peterborough Haliburton’s 18th annual YWCA Empty Bowls event has raised $31,427 for YWCA Nourish Food programs to prevent and relieve hunger in the city and county of Peterborough.
The event, held last Saturday (February 26) at The Venue in downtown Peterborough, offered ticket holders the chance to select hand-crafted bowl donated by local artisans of the Kawartha Potters Guild and Kawartha Woodturners Guild.
Each $50 ticket also included one restaurant coupon card featuring discounts from participating restaurants, redeemable for six months. Participating restaurants include Amandala’s, Baked 4U, Black Honey, Central Smith, Fresh Dreams, Gerti’s, Naked Chocolate, Pastry Peddler, Stickling’s, That’s A Wrap!, and The Cheese Shop.
“Thank you to everyone who carved, created, sponsored, donated, attended, or lent a hand in order to help folks experiencing food insecurity,” says YWCA executive director Kim Dolan in a media release. “Your support of Nourish means so much to the hundreds of people in our community who access our healthy food workshops, advocacy training, community gardens, and food boxes every month.”
Along with donations of bowls by members of Kawartha Potters Guild and Kawartha Woodturners Guild, YWCA Empty Bowls was sponsored by Kawartha Cardiology, Cornerstone Family Dentistry, The Venue, Pure Country 105, Move 99.7, The Peterborough Examiner, Peterborough This Week, kawarthaNOW, Freq 90.5, Oldies 96.7, and PTBOToday.ca.
According to Nourish manager Joëlle Favreau, one in seven households in the Peterborough area is experiencing food insecurity.
“Every ticket for YWCA Empty Bowls helps individuals and families most at risk of experiencing food insecurity put fresh, local, affordable food on their tables, while also supporting the systemic changes required to end food insecurity and poverty,” she says.
In May, YWCA Peterborough Haliburton will be hosting its third annual Virtual Challenge to raise funds for the organization’s resources for women experiencing gender-based violence. Last year’s challenge raised $28,641.