A Place Called Home (APCH) in Lindsay is welcoming home a new leader for the organization that provides supports and services for people experiencing homelessness.
APCH’s board of directors has appointed Angela Ricciuti as its new executive director.
Ricciuti brings to APCH two decades of leadership with Community Living Toronto, a leading agency that serves adults who have an intellectual disability.
“I am overjoyed to be part of such an important service provided to the community and am very eager to start learning and leading,” Ricciuti told kawarthaNOW.
“I am very motivated by principles of community inclusion, and the valued social roles that every citizen has in their communities.”
Ricciuti moved to Kawartha Lakes two years ago and said she’s “excited to be fully immersed in its communities. Only by gaining the experience of living and working here can I develop the skills that I will need to lead a wonderful organization like (APCH).”
The new executive director has a wealth of experience in the field of social services, particularly in the domain of residential supports and housing, according to a media release from the APCH board of directors.
With a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from York University, “she has consistently demonstrated a commitment to improving service delivery and advocating for individuals with disabilities.”
“She has a passion for social justice within a framework of person-centred service delivery. Her extensive experience, from program development to recruitment and management, showcases a comprehensive understanding of the social services landscape.”
Ricciuti is the third executive director in the three-decade history of APCH. The organization serves people who are struggling with homelessness by providing shelter services, rooming house rentals, and transitional housing.
Ricciuti officially joins APCH on March 4.
“We welcome Angela to the APCH community with enthusiasm and look forward to working together creating places called home in the midst of homelessness in Kawartha Lakes,” the media release stated.