Five Counties Children’s Centre has exceeded its fundraising goal for its recent Backyard Summer Social event, which netted more than $40,000 to support therapy and other services for children with special needs who live in Peterborough, Northumberland, Haliburton, and Hastings counties and in the City of Kawartha Lakes.
The signature gala fundraising event organized by Five Counties Children’s Centre, held in Peterborough on June 22, surpassed the $40,000 mark for the third straight year, raising $41,775 to support kids’ treatment services.
All monies raised through the Backyard Summer Social go to the centre’s “Building Abilities for Life” campaign, which directly benefits children in the community to receive high-demand treatment services. This includes providing priority speech language therapy and occupational therapy to children and youth who need them, reducing wait times for these life-changing services.
Bill Eekhof, spokesperson for Five Counties, said the success of the event boils down to the generosity of the communities’ citizens.
“Peterborough and area is a very generous community, and that’s continually demonstrated time and time again,” Eekhof told kawarthaNOW.
“Support for the Backyard Summer Social is only the latest example, and even during a time of rising costs of living, Five Counties is very grateful to all of the attendees, volunteers, staff, donors, supporters, and area businesses who assisted us get over the $40,000 mark for the third straight year.”
“The support makes a huge difference in helping kids get the treatment they need when they need it,” Eekhof added.
Five Counties acknowledged the support from seven local Canadian Tire stores that stepped up as the outdoor event’s lead sponsor. The organization also noted the weather for the Backyard Summer Social turned out to be different than predicted.
“The day was supposed to be a washout, but the rain held off just long enough on June 22 for us to enjoy a fabulous afternoon outdoors,” said Scott Pepin, Five Counties CEO, in a media release.
“The Backyard Summer Social was filled with fun, games, music, laughter, good conversation, and memorable moments — all while supporting our kids,” Pepin said. “We know the earlier a child can access important treatment programs for development, communication or physical needs, the better their outcome. That’s why fundraising events like this one allow us to see more kids and fill the gaps that can’t always be covered by government funding.”
The fundraiser is an age-19 plus event that “allows adults to be kids again — at least for the afternoon,” according to Five Counties.
This year, attendees were able to enjoy music, food, entertainment, live auction, door prizes, and fun activities including axe throwing, jousting, circus performing, a petting zoo, and old-fashioned picnic games.