GreenUP’s Urban Bike Adventures Camp is helping Peterborough kids become confident cyclists

Affordable camp spaces are available for all riders with a limited number of free camp spaces for eligible girls, two-spirit, and gender-diverse youth

Participants in Peterborough GreenUP's new Urban Bike Adventures Camp take a well-deserved rest at Nicholls Oval Pavilion. Throughout the week, riders get more and more comfortable in the saddle with group rides, travelling to destinations including Ecology Park, Beavermead Park, Riverview Park & Zoo, and Jackson Park. (Photo: Natalie Stephenson / GreenUP)
Participants in Peterborough GreenUP's new Urban Bike Adventures Camp take a well-deserved rest at Nicholls Oval Pavilion. Throughout the week, riders get more and more comfortable in the saddle with group rides, travelling to destinations including Ecology Park, Beavermead Park, Riverview Park & Zoo, and Jackson Park. (Photo: Natalie Stephenson / GreenUP)

Peterborough GreenUP’s new Urban Bike Adventures Camp is rolling smoothly this summer. Campers are having loads of fun while receiving coaching and practice time on their bicycle-handling skills.

The week-long day camp starts and ends at GreenUP’s Aylmer street location each day to help empower youth to navigate the city by bicycle. What might seem like an offbeat location for a camp is ideal, because of its close proximity to the bicycle priority street on Bethune.

Bethune its perfect for those who are learning to ride safely on the road, as it is a protected route that offers easy connections to trails, bridges, and bike lanes.

GreenUP has affordable camp spaces remaining for all riders nine to 12 years old. And we are looking for six girls, two-spirit, and gender-diverse youth who would like to receive a full subsidy to participate in this new skill-building program.

To participate, youth must be able to ride a bicycle independently, but a lack of working equipment is not a barrier as GreenUP can supply bicycles and helmets to borrow as needed.

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Voices from Urban Bike Adventures Camp

A few mid-July campers were vocal about their great experiences at Urban Bike Adventures so far.

Evelyn, an enthusiastic nine-year-old camper, said “I learned how to ride on the road safely. My dad always keeps me on the sidewalk because he doesn’t think I’m ready.”

“I learned how to use my brakes better, and turn better,” she continued. “To brake, I used to use my feet and only my back brake. I thought if I pressed my front brake, I would go flying forward.”

Urban Bike Adventures campers Evelyn and Jack expressing their excitement for biking and nearby nature. (Photo: Natalie Stephenson / GreenUP)
Urban Bike Adventures campers Evelyn and Jack expressing their excitement for biking and nearby nature. (Photo: Natalie Stephenson / GreenUP)

When asked what she likes most about biking, Evelyn immediately responded: “Getting to the destination without using gas.”

When asked the same question, 11-year-old Jack said “I enjoy that you can get places faster, and it’s better on a bike. You can go with families, groups, your friends, whoever you want, and do tricks. It’s a whole new level of life on bikes.”

As for favourite camp activities so far, Jack said “I always love Jackson’s Creek, it’s a really relaxing place for me. You never know what your obstacle is on the way — hills, rocks, gravel, but when you stop it’s the most beautiful place. You can hear the water flowing, the birds chirping, even wade in the water. It will always be fun.”

Other campers cited “making friendship bracelets,” “learning how to stand on my bike,” and “drawing” as their favourite activities so far.

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A week at Urban Bike Adventures Camp

GreenUP’s Urban Bike Adventures Camp is filled with fun, friendship, and time spent in nature.

Each week of camp kicks off with a skills assessment, and a visit to B!KE: The Peterborough Community Bike Shop for a bike check-up and an ABC workshop, introducing the basic information that youth need to begin understanding and maintaining a bicycle.

Throughout the week, riders get more and more comfortable in the saddle with group rides to complete challenges in their Summer Ride Club passports.

Urban Bike Adventure campers explore local biodiversity during a visit to Jackson Creek in mid-July. (Photo: Natalie Stephenson / GreenUP)
Urban Bike Adventure campers explore local biodiversity during a visit to Jackson Creek in mid-July. (Photo: Natalie Stephenson / GreenUP)

They visit Ecology Park, Beavermead, Riverview Park & Zoo, and Jackson Park — where they enjoy time at the creek to learn about native plants and aquatic species.

Fridays are a treat with a smoothie made on our blender bike to start the day, and a lunch break at Trent University during the longest ride of the week for the campers.

These bike adventures offer young people the chance to build skills and confidence, along with a new understanding of cycling as both a mode of transportation and a form of climate action that is accessible to all ages.

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Meet the coaches and curriculum at Urban Bike Adventures Camp

Urban Bike Adventures Camp is led by GreenUP’s cycling educators Alyssa Hagley and Maxim Tandon, both certified coaches of Cycling Canada’s HopOn program.

Alyssa is a seasoned cycling educator with over six years of coaching experience, and is currently enrolled in the paramedic program at Fleming College. Maxim, entering his final year in the honours geography program at Trent University, is a passionate advocate for active transportation and livable communities.

Together, they are dedicated to making young riders feel comfortable and confident on their bikes.

Campers during week three at Urban Bike Adventures Camp, along with cycling dducators Alyssa Hagley and Maxim Tandon. (Photo: Natalie Stephenson / GreenUP)
Campers during week three at Urban Bike Adventures Camp, along with cycling dducators Alyssa Hagley and Maxim Tandon. (Photo: Natalie Stephenson / GreenUP)

With the HopOn curriculum, campers learn bike-handling skills through games-based exercises designed to adapt to all skill levels. Whether they have just started cycling, or already part of a local cycling club, HopOn has something to offer every rider.

In addition, Urban Bike Adventures offers experiences aligned with the framework created by Pathway to Stewardship & Kinship. Landmark activities for kids in this age group include learning new outdoor skills, travelling familiar routes and exploring biodiversity, all toward helping youth become more connected to and passionate about the world around them.

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Looking ahead

Urban Bike Adventures Camp will be out and about all summer to explore the city as a classroom, and support young people to having positive experiences that will help them foster healthy, active lifestyles.

GreenUP is looking for six more girls, two-spirit, and gender-diverse youth to join us for a free week of camp from August 12 to 18. For other weeks, qualifying families can receive subsidies from the City of Peterborough’s Recreation Division Recreational Fee Subsidy Program.

To learn more, email us at or visit

Urban Bike Adventures campers make great use of local cycling infrastructure like the bicycle priority street on Bethune and the bike signal lights at the Bethune and Charlotte intersection. (Photo: Natalie Stephenson / GreenUP)
Urban Bike Adventures campers make great use of local cycling infrastructure like the bicycle priority street on Bethune and the bike signal lights at the Bethune and Charlotte intersection. (Photo: Natalie Stephenson / GreenUP)