Home Authors Articles by Deana Huntsbarger

Articles by Deana Huntsbarger

Deana Huntsbarger
1 Articles
Recently shifted from a rural homesteading scene in Garden Hill, Deana dusted off her town clothes to take up residence in Peterborough for a while. She volunteers for way too many things (including the SPARK Photo Festival), loves saying "yes", and is devoted to her dog Blue.
Since the 1980s, photojournalist Larry Towell has travelled to areas of conflict, documenting both violence and people's everyday lives. A major theme in his work is landlessness. This photo shows Palestinian boys throwing stones at Israeli soldiers in Ramallah, West Bank, in October 2000 (photo: Larry Towell)

Renowned Canadian photojournalist Larry Towell coming to Peterborough

"Blood In The Soil" is a live multimedia performance celebrating the art of storytelling.

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