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Thursday, May 16

Fundraiser: Kawartha Lakes Food Source presents "Take a Bite out of Hunger 2024: A Bridgerton Ball" beginning at 7:00 pm at Lindsay Golf & Country Club (282 Lindsay St. S., Lindsay, K9V 4R5). Join Kawartha Lakes Food Source for an opulent evening of splendour in Regency-era high society. Promenade the gardens, take to the dance floor for traditional English country dancing (with lessons provided by York Region English Country Dancers), or simply observe and gossip over tea and cakes as you try to uncover the identity of the scandalous Lady Whistledown. Tickets include one custom cocktail or mocktail, cocktail-style service of hors d’oeuvres, and buffet-style tea and desserts. All after-cost proceeds will benefit Kawartha Lakes Food Source. Cost: $100 (includes $60 charitable tax receipt). For more information and tickets, visit

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