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Thursday, May 16

Seminar: Venture13 Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre presents Meet The Producers: FibeTV Information Session & Speed Pitching beginning at 6:30 pm at Venture13 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (739 D'Arcy St., Cobourg, K9A 0H6). Fibe TV1 wants to create and curate original video content that reflects the community and is actively seeking short-form series proposals from both emerging and established creators in the Cobourg and Port Hope area. The Fibe TV1 team will have an information session followed by a Q&A and speed pitching meetings where local creators can pitch their idea to a TV1 producer. In attendance will be supervising producer John Buffone, senior producer Paul Gardner, and producer Donna Cagnoli. This event takes place in the lecture hall. Cost: Free (advance registration required). For more information and to register, visit

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