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Thursday, April 3
Film: Minden Hills Cultural Centre presents "Cold Journey" (1975) beginning at 1:00 pm at Minden Hills Cultural Centre (174-176 Bobcaygeon Rd., Minden, K0M 2K0). Fifteen-year-old Buckley (Buckley Petawabano) attends residential school, where he longs for his home and dreams of fishing and hunting. Yet when he returns to the reserve for the summer he feels like a stranger, unable to speak his Cree language or live off the land like his father and brothers. Johnny (Johnny Yesno), an Indigenous caretaker at the school, takes Buckley under his wing, introducing him to Indigenous history, culture, and knowledge. After finding Buckley's frozen body in the snow, Johnny pieces together the events of the boy's short life and tragic death, which left him unable to find a place for himself between the white and Indigenous worlds. This screening takes place during the exhibit opening of "We Were Taught Differently: The Indian Residential School Experience," which fosters reflection on the lasting impacts of residential schools and Indigenous resilience. Cost: Free. For more information visit