
GreenUP/Green Economy Peterborough presents Unlocking Energy Savings For Your Business: DIY Energy Audits

Date:Thursday, March 6, 2025
Time: Noon - 1 p.m.
Location:    This is a virtual or online event or does not take place at one specific physical location. See description for more details.
Cost:Free, but advance registration required

Join Green Economy Peterborough for a three-part online series for businesses on cutting costs and improving resilience through energy efficiency. Energy advisor Clara Blakelock will speak about energy efficiency, how to conduct a simple energy assessment, and energy savings hacks. The second session, DIY Energy Audits, will feature the basics of assessing energy use and identifying opportunities for improvement and savings.

For more information and to register, visit https://BusinessDIYEnergyAssessments.eventbrite.ca.