The Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough (CFGP) has announced 18 grants to charities in the City and County of Peterborough, amounting to more than $160,000.
The largest grant is a $90,000 investment in the City of Peterborough to light the portion of the Rotary Greenway Trail where it crosses the Otonabee River near the Auburn Power Plant. The grant was made possible by the Kamerin Fund within CFGP, a permanent endowment supporting the philanthropic interests of the donor.
The foundation states that this project will have the further advantage of researching and introducing low-impact and energy-efficient lighting to the trail network in Peterborough.
The next largest grant is a $10,000 donation to the “Every Moment Matters” campaign to develop the Peterborough Hospice Care Centre. This donation was made possible by the BG Family Fund within CFGP.
See below for a list of all the grants and their recipients.
“The Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough inspires giving to build a vital community for everyone,” says Betty Morris, Chair of the CFGP Board. “We are very proud to be able to work with our donors to support the charities in the County and City who do the important work that makes Peterborough such a great place to live.”
CFGP is a public foundation founded in 2009 to enhance quality of life in the City and County of Peterborough County. The foundation pools charitable gifts of donors to create endowment funds that are then used to make grants to charities in the area. Endowments are held in perpetuity, so a pool of resources will always exist to support Greater Peterborough.
Since 2009, the gifts entrusted to CFGP now exceed $4 million in more than 30 named funds, including the Directors Fund, Bar M5 Fund, Hallpike Fund, Jack and Pat Bingleman Fund, Mayor Bennett Fund, Michael Edwards Fund, Kamerin Fund, BG Family Fund, Peterborough Law Association-Bill Carruthers Fund, Bierk Art Fund, and the Gwen & Bill Brown Fund for the Arts. CFGP has invested more than $700,000 in grants in the local charitable organizations to date.
A committee of board and community members reviews grant applications and, for 2015, awarded the following grants:
- Camp Kawartha is receiving a $5,000 grant in support of a collaborative project to develop a “made in Peterborough” program encouraging environmental stewardship in children and youth
- Peterborough Partners for Wellness are receiving a $5,000 grant to collaborate with the Tamarack Institute on a local project strengthening community leadership and civic engagement
- Heads Up for Inclusion will be using an $1,800 grant to upgrade their online presence and enhance the organization’s brand, supporting longer term sustainability while building community awareness of activities including the Amigos program
- A $4,000 grant is being directed to the Peterborough ReFrame International Film Festival to support the speakers’ series component of the 2016 Festival
- John Howard Society is the recipient of a $5,000 investment to launch the ‘Caring Dads Program’, a pilot project that will build stronger, healthier families by developing positive parenting skills with fathers
- The YWCA Nourish Project is receiving $5,000 for the ‘Growing Roots, Growing Impact’ program, which will expand the Nourish Project’s successful community garden work in Lakefield, Norwood and the City of Peterborough
- Food for Kids will use a $5,000 grant to improve nutrition and education outcomes in local schools while increasing program capacity and sustainability by serving local cheese to students
- The Community Opportunity & Innovation Network is receiving $3,730 to support the ReMaking a Living collaborative, a multi-year project to better understand and assist discouraged workers to gain meaningful work and move forward with their lives
- $5,000 is being invested in the Peterborough Poverty Reduction Network to provide funding for recreational and nutritional opportunities for children facing economic barriers in downtown Peterborough
- $3700 has been directed to the YES Shelter for Youth and Families to initiate a process to create safe and inclusive spaces for all young people, with a special emphasis on LGBTQQ2S youth
- The Peterborough Law Association – Bill Carruthers Fund is granting $720 to Peterborough Youth Services to support the counselling that they provide to young people and their families
- The Peterborough Theatre Guild will receive $4,700 to purchase a projector, the newest theatre technology, enabling this institution to explore new, creative options for productions, expand educational workshops, and attract younger audiences to the Theatre
- 4th Line Theatre is the recipient of a $4,500 grant to support its 25th anniversary, strengthening the sustainability and celebrating the history of the theatre while enhancing 4th Line’s regional, provincial and national reputation
- The Bierk Art Fund is directing $2,000 to the Electric City Culture Council to support the cost of developing, promoting and administering the EC3 Arts Awards
- The Gwen and Bill Brown Fund for the Arts is granting $2,500 to both the Peterborough Theatre Guild and New Stages Peterborough
- $90,000 from the Kamerin Fund is being directed to the City of Peterborough to light a portion of the Rotary Greenway Trail near the Auburn Power Plant
- The BG Family Fund is donating $10,000 to Hospice Peterborough‘s ‘Every Moment Matters’ Campaign to develop the Peterborough Hospice Care Centre.
The grants respond to challenges and opportunities identified through the Greater Peterborough’s Vital Signs reports, a collaborative community initiative led by CFGP that annually measures the vitality of Greater Peterborough in a range of areas including the environment, community involvement, the economy, food security, arts and culture, and health and wellness.
For more information about CFGP, visit www.cfgp.ca.