If you’re looking for a summer camp that’s a little less run-of-the-mill and a lot more interesting, we’ve rounded up a few options — from fencing to swinging trapeze to constructing art with recycled materials — that are guaranteed to teach your child an impressive new skill this summer.
Peterborough Multi-Sport Club summer camps gives unique sports a boost
Does your kid like lightsaber dueling? Enjoy the thrill of a Cirque du Soleil performance? Interested in martial arts? Looking to channel their inner Katniss?
Fencing, jiu jitsu, archery, and circus arts are unique sports all offered at Peterborough Multi-Sport Club (275 Rink Street, Unit 14, Peterborough, 705-775-5095), with guidance from certified instructors to help kids improve their fitness and connect them with sports they might not otherwise get a chance to try.
The large fitness facility provides a unique athletic outlet for kids ages eight to 14, one that encourages a team environment but mainly individual achievement in a supportive environment, says Scott Nichols, the Club’s Head Coach and Co-owner.
“We target athletes who typically don’t thrive in team sports, and we offer unique sports geared towards individual development instead of team development,” Nichols says,
“If kids don’t love a common sport that is offered to them at school — like basketball, volleyball, or lacrosse — they sometimes don’t see themselves as athletes.
“Giving kids an opportunity to experience different activities might give them the confidence they need to purse a sport. Having kids discover athletics leads to far healthier lifestyles later on.”
If a child is looking to expand their sports portfolio, the Club does offer a combination of activities in one camp (see Multi-sport sampler, Fencing and archery, and Jiu jitsu and archery). Offering a variety helps prevent over-use injuries and reduce the risk of burnout, plus practice in each sport improves ability in every other activity.
“Doing a more combative sport like fencing or jiu jitsu for seven hours a day is tough and really burns a lot of energy, whereas archery is a little more sedentary by nature,” Nichols explains. “The two differ in energy systems, but do complement each other and is great for the kids.”
“It’s also a great pairing, for example, when you have a more intense activity in the morning when it’s cooler like fencing and then something slower paced like archery in the afternoon,” adds Michelle Curran, the Club’s Co-owner and Assistant Coach.
New this year is the Circus Arts camp, a unique draw to the Club’s summer programs.
“We like the uniqueness of what we do and the Circus Arts program appealed to us because of that,” says Nichols.
Summer 2017 Multi-Sport Camps Schedule
For program times and fees, download the camp descriptions or visit the Peterborough Multi-Sport Club website at peterboroughmultisport.com.
Multi-sport Sampler
July 3 – 7
Not sure which camp to embrace? Get a taste of it all in this multi-sport sampler. Fencing, archery, jiu jitsu and circus arts all in one convenient camp. Each program is run by certified coaches.
Fencing and Archery
July 10 – 14, July 31 – August 4
Participants in this instructional sport camp will be challenged to develop physical literacy, learn new skills in both fencing and archery and have a great time through individual and team activities. No previous experience is necessary and all equipment is provided. Program is led by certified Peterborough Multi-Sport Club instructors.
Fencing Advanced
July 17 – 21
Participants in this advanced developmental sport camp will be challenged to acquire and consolidate skills in fencing – technically, physically and mentally. Participants must have previous fencing experience. Fencers should be prepared to bring a good attitude, focus and a desire to work hard. Activities will include both individual and team. Program is led by certified Peterborough Multi-Sport Club instructors
Circus Arts
July 24 – 28
Students aged 9-14 will learn the curriculum taught by Canada’s National Circus School. Thomas Vaccaro, a graduate of the circus instructor/trainer program and creative director for the Peterborough Academy of Circus Arts, with Opal Elchuk, professional circus artist, choreographer, and certified aerial instructor, will be adapting the youth program taught by the ENC & Cirque du Soleil. The program focuses heavily on balance, acrobatics, aerials, and object manipulation, and uses games as a means to learn. No previous experience is necessary.
Jiu Jitsu and Archery
August 14 – 18, August 21 – 25
Get a taste of the traditional Japanese Martial Art of Jiu Jitsu in this program. Focus, discipline, confidence and self-defense are all taught in a fun and safe environment. Youth will learn about movement and physical fitness. Participants will also learn new skills in archery and have a great time through individual and team activities. The program is run by Jitsu Canada certified coaches. No previous experience is necessary and all equipment is provided.
To register, download the registration form and email the completed form to info@peterboroughmultisport.com, or contact the office at 705-775-5095 to drop it off.
You can also join the Peterborough Multi-Sport Club’s Facebook group.
Iconic Canadian artists set to inspire at Art Gallery of Peterborough children’s summer camp
A stimulating series of art classes inspired by iconic Canadian artists returns to the Art Gallery of Peterborough (250 Crescent St., Peterborough, 705-743-9179) this summer for children and youth. The camps, delivered by local practicing artists and art educators, will run from July 10th to August 25th.
The Gallery offers different camps for different age groups and allows the campers to exercise their imaginations, explore their artistic talents, and participate in hands-on projects.
Children can expect to develop skills in drawing, puppetry, printmaking, animation, illustration, and sculpture, while being inspired by the current exhibitions on view at the Gallery.
“We are a regional public art gallery, so the art we have in the gallery plays a pivotal role at each of the camps and brings inspiration to the children,” says Jane Wild, the Gallery’s Education Program Coordinator.
“For instance, in recognition of Canada’s 150th, we’ll be doing an Oh Canada! theme and looking at the artwork of Canadian artist Charles Pachter, whose work will be displayed here at the Gallery.”
Freedom of expression
It’s critical to allow children the freedom to express their own creativity and create a concrete visual form without expectations, explains Wild.
“The instructors are very good at letting the children exercise their creativity,” says Wild.
“Our camps provide a structure and within that structure children are given materials, instruction and guidance and ideas to choose what they want to create. No child leaves with the same piece of artwork. Every child has a different experience that is tailored to the individual.”
Wild says the beauty of these camps is there is no standard a child is expected to achieve.
“However, if there is a child who is really good at something, or wants to exercise a specific skill we can help make that happen.”
Behind-the-scenes vault tour
With over 1,700 artworks in the Permanent Collection, tours of the Art Gallery of Peterborough Vault are an unparalleled experience not usually accessible to the general public.
Led by an experienced guide, the more mature camp participants can enjoy an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour to help them develop a better understanding of art, and learn about art storage, caretaking, and collecting.
“This is a very special treat for young people to see what a real art gallery vault is all about, as it’s not typically offered to attendees all the time,” says Wild.
Outside time
And the kids like to move, too. Wild says they integrate the park and outdoor activities into the programs.
“Sometimes it’s sketching or painting, sometimes we are just playing games to break things up,”
Showcase your creations
At the end of camp, children can invite their families for an end-of-class art show and presentation in the Gallery studio, displaying the work they’ve created throughout the week.
Some projects expected to be seen on display are garden stones and Canadian-themed dioramas.
“We make it real for them with gallery labels and descriptions, which is very fun for them,” said Wild.
Train your creative brain
Visual art is a necessity for the full development of a better quality of life for all and increases our understanding and interest of the arts overall, explains Wild.
“Art is very important. If you exercise those parts of your brain that influences creativity, then you are more adapt at applying yourself in other areas; it’s transferrable knowledge.
Creativity is something you need in any aspect of life. Whatever profession you go into, a background in imagination and creativity will never steer you wrong,”
Summer 2017 Art Camps Schedule
For program details, times and fees, please visit the Art Gallery of Peterborough website at agp.on.ca.
Oh! Canada with Cheri Patrick
Ages 4-7 and 8-11; July 10 – 14
What is Canada to you? Get inspired by Of Moose and Monarchs featuring iconic Canadian artist Charles Pachter.
Also check out Jeff Macklin’s exhibition Everything is Fleeting and think about how imagery and logos create meaning.
Have fun drawing, painting, and printing: make art about the place that you live!
Face Time Fun with Lori Beavis
Ages 4-7 and 8-11; July 17 – 21
This is a week of visual storytelling through an investigation of portraiture. Learn printmaking, collage and watercolour techniques.
Explore different kinds of portraits as a fun way to tell stories about ourselves.
Super Sculptures with Lori Beavis
Ages 7 +; July 24 – 28
Discover new methods and materials to construct environments, dioramas and sculptures. Work with paper, cardboard and recycled materials to build abstract sculptures.
Experiment with surfaces, textures and depth to make work that is fun and full of possibilities.
Puppet Show with Judith Mason
Ages 7 +; July 31 – August 4
Build skills making sock puppets, and move on to marionettes, props, and scenery.
Create characters and bring them to life in a show for your family and friends on the final day of this camp.
Summer Art Days
Ages 4-7 and 8-11; August 8, 9, 10, 11
Each day will be something different with the AGP Education Team. Make a book on Tuesday, try portraiture on Wednesday, experiment with printmaking on Thursday, and paint a landscape on Friday.
Sign up for one or all four days.
Superhero Stories with Daniel Crawford
Ages 4-7 and 8-11; August 14 – 18
Release your inner superhero! Write and illustrate a book starring your own cast of characters on daring adventures.
Add live action and cameras and film your own heroic deeds.
Animation for Teens with Daniel Crawford
Ages 11 +; August 21 – 25
Draw inspiration from contemporary stop-motion artists and learn about the history of animation.
Students will work through the full animation process including camera set up and shooting, character and story creation, set building, filming and more. No prior animation experience is necessary.
To register for an art camp, call 705-743-9179 or online at the Art Gallery of Peterborough website.
You can also follow the Art Gallery of Peterborough Facebook and Twitter.