Employment Standard Act Changes
Deadline for Written Submissions: July 21st
As you may have read in a previous column, public hearings on Bill 148, The Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act are being held across the province this week.
You can participate in this discussion by submitting written comments on Bill 148 before 5:30 p.m. on Friday, July 21st. Submit your comments to Clerk Eric Rennie at erennie@ola.org.
This is an opportunity for you to have your position on raising the minimum wage and proposed labour reforms heard by the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. The Chamber encourages you to participate.
Available Space in Lakefield
Facility Partnership Meeting Wednesday, July 19th

Lakefield District Public School (formerly Lakefield District Secondary School) currently has one main floor room available for rent. Attend the Facility Partnership Meeting on July 19th for more information. Meeting details above. Learn more.
Make the Most of Your Membership!
Standard and Select Members — are you using all the aspects of your listing on KawarthaChamber.ca? Add photos, videos, hours of operation, social media links, and rotating ads.
New Member Benefit — Over the next year, Chamber staff will be filming and editing Member Minutes to spotlight Standard and Select members. Choose what time of year works best for you and book your Member Minute by emailing membership@kawarthachamber.ca. The first Member Minute video in this series was posted on the Chamber’s Facebook page and in less than 24 hours reached over 1800 people, and was viewed 772 times.
VIDEO: Member Minutes – The Cozy Home
Interested in upgrading your membership to Standard or Select? Contact Jasmine, at 705-652-6963 or email membership@kawarthachamber.ca.
Marketing Opportunity with kawarthaNOW.com

The Kawartha Chamber and kawarthaNOW.com have partnered to create a monthly affordable editorial campaign for Kawartha Chamber members. You may have noticed the campaigns that have been running over the past few months.
The Kawartha Chamber members who have taken part have reported good results and are booking future features. kawarthaNOW is now booking for the busy fall and Christmas seasons. Choose the month that you wish to promote your business and reach a five-county area and over 200,000 unique readers monthly.
The feature is subsidized by the Chamber, and packed with extra social media promotion and extensive digital reach. One of kawarthaNOW’s journalists will do the writing and leg work to create a great promotion for your business. Contact kawarthaNOW today and we’ll email you the details – Holly Wilson Sales & Marketing, 705-928-2694 Holly@kawarthaNOW.com or Jeannine Taylor at the kawarthaNOW.com office at 705-742-6404.
Power Lunch with Minister of Energy

Kawartha Chamber Members are invited to join the Greater Peterborough Chamber for a Power Lunch with the Minister of Energy, Glenn Thibeault, at Peterborough Golf & Country Club on Friday, July 28th, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
You will have the opportunity to hear from and ask questions on the Fair Hydro Plan. Kawartha Chamber members qualify for ‘Chamber Member’ pricing. Learn more.
Seeking the Business Community’s Feedback
Working towards earning the nomination of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party in the Peterborough-Kawartha riding, Derek Andreoli wants to reach out and be available to the thriving and vibrant business community.
Derek is asking local businesses to share thoughts, ideas, concerns and criticisms, so that he can take those to help form a meaningful policy platform for the upcoming provincial election.
For more information visit www.derekandreoli.ca or email derekandreoli@gmail.com.
“Buying the Moose” at Buckhorn Community Centre
Buckhorn Community Centre presents the Hall’s Bridge Players in “Buying the Moose” on Wednesday, July 19th and Thursday, July 20th and on Wednesday, July 26 and Thursday, July 27th.
Grab a group of friends or neigbours and make it a fun night out! Area restaurants are offering a discount or special for ticket holders — Pizza Alloro, Honey’s Diner, and Frederick’s at Beachwood.
Doors open at 6 p.m. and the play starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $22 each and include the live comedy, dessert, and coffee/tea. Tickets are on sale now; call 705-657-8833. Visit www.buckhorncommunitycentre.com for details.
Ennismore Shamrock Festival
This coming weekend, July 21st to 23rd, head to Ennismore for the Shamrock Festival & Tractor Pull.
There will be a variety of different events and activities throughout the weekend for everyone to enjoy, including a family dance, fireworks, a bouncy castle, a petting zoo, face painting and much more.
The Truck and Tractor Pull is taking place on Sunday, July 23rd from 12 to 5 p.m. at the Ennismore Community Centre. Learn more.
Crocs After Dark at Indian River Reptile Zoo

Crocs After Dark takes place on July 22 at the Indian River Reptile Zoo.
On Saturday, July 22nd, the Indian River Reptile Zoo is hosting Crocs After Dark from 9 to 11 p.m. This is a thrilling experience where you can witness alligators and crocodiles in complete darkness, with only the aid of a flashlight.
The night includes a complete guided dinosaur tour, a crocodile walk, a live feeding, and an informative lecture. Adult admission is $25, and groups and children are $20 per person. You must reserve your place in advance. Call 705-639-1443 to book. Don’t miss this fun event!
Crocs After Dark events are also taking place on July 28th, August 12th, and August 18th.
Gallery on the Lake Presents: The Norval and Christian Morrisseau Exhibit “Father and Son”

Works by First Nations artists Norval and Christian Morrisseau are on display at The Gallery on the Lake in Buckhorn beginning July 29.
The Gallery on the Lake is honoured to present works of Norval and Christian Morrisseau in a new exhibit entitled “Father and Son”. The exhibit opens on Saturday, July 29th and continues to September 1st. The opening reception will be held on July 29th from 1 to 4 p.m.
“Father and Son” is an exhibit with works that exude emotion, power, and spirit. This new exhibit features indigenous art in the Woodland style that the Morrisseaus envisioned, to express their mission as one which would dignify and rejuvenate pride within First Nations communities and the world at large. Vibrant images by this father and son include: animals, landscapes, families, traditions, and legends.
The Gallery on the Lake is proud to feature the works of these iconic and highly renowned First Nations artists.
Chamber Members Are Hiring!
The Cozy Home in Lakefield is seeking a Part Time Retail Associate. Learn more.
Lakefield Fair Tags Available at Kawartha Chamber Office
The Lakefield Fair is coming up, July 28th to 30th at the Lakefield Fairgrounds. Fair tags are available at the Kawartha Chamber office, 12 Queen Street (under the town clock) in Lakefield. Visit www.lakefieldfair.com for details.
Upcoming Events
- Warsaw Cruise Night – July 19th
- Lakefield Farmers’ Market – July 20th
- Free Movies in the Park – July 20th
- Cruise Night at Craftworks at the Barn – July 20th
- Bridgenorth Farmers’ Market – July 21st
- Shamrock Festival Craft Show – July 23rd
- Bridgenorth Cruise Night – July 24th
- Buckhorn Market – July 25th
For more information about the businesses and events listed above, please visit the Kawartha Chamber of Commerce & Tourism website at kawarthachamber.ca.
All photos supplied by Kawartha Chamber of Commerce except where noted.