Christmas Social BAH at Kawartha Lakes Construction – December 13th
Kawartha Lakes Construction (KLC) will host the Chamber’s Annual Christmas Social once again this year, on Wednesday, December 13th from 5 to 8 p.m.
Join KLC’s staff, clients, and suppliers at their location at 3359 Lakefield Road, which will be beautifully decorated for the festive season. Mingle by the fireplace, check out the showroom, and enjoy holiday refreshments.
Kawartha Lakes Construction will be collecting toys for the Lakefield Lioness Club’s Toy Drive and donations for the Lakefield Community Food Bank. Once again this year, KLC will be running their employee DIY Christmas Tree challenge and will be asking guests to help pick the winner.
Peterborough County Sign By-Law – Extension of Public Comment Period
The Chamber would like to hear from any businesses impacted by the proposed change to the County Sign By-Law. Please send your thoughts to generalmanager@kawarthachamber.ca.
At its November 15th meeting, Peterborough County Council extended the public consultation period for review of the Sign By-Law 2007-55 and are seeking input into the new sign by-law for the County.
The intent is to address the proliferation of signs along County roadsides (particularly in Bush Country areas in the Municipality of Trent Lakes, Township of North Kawartha and the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen) that are not visually appealing in these natural areas. Read more.
Information related to Sign By-Law 2007-55, Bush Country Signs and the consultation process completed to date is available on the County website.
County Council has extended the public consultation period so that they can receive additional written submissions (email, letter) from any party interested. Please direct written submissions to pwinfo@ptbocounty.ca or via regular mail to: Bush Country Sign Consultation, County of Peterborough, County Court House, 470 Water Street, Peterborough, ON, K9H 3M3. Submissions are due by Friday, January 5, 2018 at 2 p.m.
RTO8 Experiential Training – January 22nd – 25th
Are you tired of the typical classroom or conference-type training? IGNITE Kawarthas Northumberland is different.
The program, taking place from January 22nd to 24th, 2018, involves a combination of physical activity, cultural interaction, and engaging with companies who are well known and respected in the Explorer’s Edge region of Ontario.
This learning opportunity at beautiful Northern Edge Algonquin in Algonquin Park received rave reviews from those who attended last March.
Download an application form. Deadline for applications is December 15th.
Santa Claus & Live Reindeer at Village Dental Centre – November 24th
Santa Claus and his live reindeer will be at Village Dental Centre (57 Queen St., Lakefield) on Friday, November 24th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to have a free photo taken with Santa while enjoying hot chocolate and cookies. There will also be a prize raffle to enter.
Don’t forget to bring your letters for Santa!
Santa Claus Parades in Apsley and Warsaw – November 25th
The Apsley Lions Club is hosting the annual Santa Claus Parade and Christmas Party on Saturday, November 25th. The parade begins at 6 p.m. at the Apsley Public School, continues along Burleigh Street to Wellington, then along Jack Lake Road to the North Kawartha Community Centre, where the festivities ensue. Inside the North Kawartha Community Centre, refreshments are served along with “Loot” bags for kids 10 and under.
Also on November 25th, the Township of Douro-Dummer will be hosting the annual Santa Claus parade in the hamlet of Warsaw. The parade will begin at 5 p.m. at the Warsaw Public Works garage and continue through the village. The theme this year is “I’ll Be Home for Christmas.” Following the parade, there will be a tree-lighting ceremony held in the gazebo next to the Town Hall in Warsaw.
Holiday Home Tour in Buckhorn – November 26th

The Buckhorn Community Centre presents the 7th Annual Holiday Home Tour on Sunday, November 26th.
Tour five beautiful homes decorated for the Christmas season. Included in the tour of homes is the Princess Margaret Lottery home, and four lake front properties.
Limited tickets are on sale for $20, which includes a tour of five homes and a complimentary tea room with homemade goodies.
PolarFest Announces Commercial Press & Design as a Community Sponsor
PolarFest is very pleased to announce that Commercial Press & Design will be supporting the festival in 2018 as a community sponsor.
PolarFest will be taking place on February 2nd to 4th. For more information, visit www.polarfest.ca.
If you are interested in sponsoring Polarfest, read the sponsorship information and contact Tiffany at tjacobs@nexicom.net.
Selwyn Township Open House Strategic Plan and Recreation Services Plan – November 23rd
Members of the public are invited to provide their feedback on the Township of Selwyn Strategic Plan and Recreation Services Plan updates.
Drop in to Township of Selwyn Council Chambers, 1310 Centre Line, on Thursday, November 23rd between 5:30 and 7 p.m. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Selwyn Township Seeking Members for Economic Development & Business Committee
Are you or someone you know interested in economic development and business expansion?
The Township of Selwyn is looking for a member to join its Economic Development & Business Committee. Selwyn ratepayers and business owners are invited to apply no later than 12 p.m. on Thursday, November 30th.
Read more information regarding the Committee, application requirements and how to submit your application.
Selwyn Township Economic Development Survey for Residents & Business Owners
The Township of Selwyn is on a mission to ensure local businesses thrive to increase employment opportunities and wants to hear what you have to say about the local economy.
As a thank you, each person who completes the survey before December 15th will be entered to win a $250 gift card to be used at a Selwyn business. Click here to take the survey.
PKT Launches New Website to Inspire Visitors to Experience Region’s Unique Offerings
Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism has launched a new and improved website that aims to attract visitors with powerful, emotive storytelling and uniquely curated experiences that set the region apart from other destinations.
The revamped thekawarthas.ca is now live in beta version and will continue to be a key component of the destination marketing organization’s robust marketing and communications effort to increase awareness of the region and enhance visitor experiences while they are here. Learn more.
Upcoming Events
- Holiday Magic Weekend at the Buckhorn Community Centre – November 25th & 26th
- Christmas by Candlelight – December 2nd & 3rd
- Holly Tea & Loonie Auction Harvey Community Care – December 6th
For more information about the businesses and events listed above, please visit the Kawartha Chamber of Commerce & Tourism website at kawarthachamber.ca.
All photos supplied by Kawartha Chamber of Commerce except where noted.