artNOW – February 2020

Featuring Erring at King George, Cole Swanson, Dave Ellis, First Friday Peterborough, The Joy of Bob, Artspace Book + Zine Fest, and more

Andrew Root paints during 'The Joy of Bob' at The Theatre on King in downtown Peterborough in 2017. The event, where three guest painters are challenged before a live audience to follow an episode of 'The Joy of Painting', the instructional TV show hosted by late painter Bob Ross, returns on February 20, 2020. The guest painters will be Kathryn Bahun, garbageface, and a random audience member. (Photo courtesy of Andy Carroll)
Andrew Root paints during 'The Joy of Bob' at The Theatre on King in downtown Peterborough in 2017. The event, where three guest painters are challenged before a live audience to follow an episode of 'The Joy of Painting', the instructional TV show hosted by late painter Bob Ross, returns on February 20, 2020. The guest painters will be Kathryn Bahun, garbageface, and a random audience member. (Photo courtesy of Andy Carroll)

This month’s artNOW features current exhibitions at the Art Gallery of Peterborough and the Art Gallery of Northumberland, the application deadline for artist proposals for Erring at King George, ‘The Hissing Folly’ by Cole Swanson at the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, and wildlife photography by Dave Ellis at Boyd Heritage Museum in Bobcaygeon.

Also featured is First Friday Peterborough, Family Day fun at the Art Gallery of Northumberland, the return of the ‘The Joy of Bob’ competitive painting event at The Theatre on King in downtown Peterborough, and the 5th annual Artspace Book + Zine Fest at the Peterborough Public Library.

Our regular artsNOW writer, Shannon Taylor, is on hiatus as she had a baby in January. Congrats to Shannon from all of us at kawarthaNOW!

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"About Face" by Christopher Smith, currently on display at the Art Gallery of Northumberland in Cobourg, explores the role of drawing in portraiture, focusing in particular on the relationship between artist and sitter. Spanning three years, the drawings range from Smith's self-portrait observing others in a waiting room to highly expressive sketches of familiar community faces. (Photos courtesy of Art Gallery of Northumberland)
“About Face” by Christopher Smith, currently on display at the Art Gallery of Northumberland in Cobourg, explores the role of drawing in portraiture, focusing in particular on the relationship between artist and sitter. Spanning three years, the drawings range from Smith’s self-portrait observing others in a waiting room to highly expressive sketches of familiar community faces. (Photos courtesy of Art Gallery of Northumberland)

Several exhibitions are continuing through February in Peterborough and Cobourg.

The Art Gallery of Peterborough is presenting three exhibitions: ‘locked in a way’ (a collaboration between filmmaker Matthew Hayes and dance artist Victoria Mohr-Blakeney), ‘217’ ( a series of graphite drawings and 3D printed objects by Sasha Opeiko based on images from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant), and ‘duet’ (an exhibit bringing together the work of the late abstract painter Jack Bush and Bush-inspired digital drawings by Francisco-Fernando Granados).

The Art Gallery of Northumberland is presenting ‘Traces’ (a collaborative exhibit of drawings by Peter Large and fine art photography by Felicity Somerset) and “About Face” (self-portraits, portraits of family and friends, and more formal portraits by Christopher Smith).

The Art Gallery of Peterborough is located at 250 Crescent Street in downtown Peterborough and is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday. It offers free admission, barrier-free access, and a gallery shop. Parking is available in the Del Crary lot. For more information, call 705-743-9179 or visit

The Art Gallery of Northumberland is located at on the third floor of the west wing of Victoria Hall (55 King St. W., Cobourg). Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday to Friday and noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. The gallery is closed on Mondays. For more information, visit


Deadline for Erring at King George proposals on February 2

Erring at King George is a multi-arts festival that takes the history of King George Public School in Peterborough's East City into account. The deadline for submissions is February 2, 2020, with the festival scheduled to take place in May 2021. (Photo: Bruce Head /
Erring at King George is a multi-arts festival that takes the history of King George Public School in Peterborough’s East City into account. The deadline for submissions is February 2, 2020, with the festival scheduled to take place in May 2021. (Photo: Bruce Head /

The deadline for proposals for Erring at King George — a multi-arts festival presented by Artspace in partnership with Public Energy Performing Arts and the Art Gallery of Peterborough which is planned for May 2021 — is Sunday, February 2nd.

Professional, emerging, mid-career and senior artists, along with curators and collectives working in all mediums, are encouraged to apply. They are looking for site-specific pieces that take the history of King George Public School in Peterborough’s East City into account.

Experimental and socially engaged proposals are encouraged. The proposals can be for one space or for multiple spaces inside King George Public School, or the exterior and the grounds around the building.

For more information about the site or the application process, visit or contact Hannah Keating at or 705-748-3883.


‘The Hissing Folly’ by Cole Swanson opens at the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington on February 2

Phragmites being harvested at Thickson[s Woods Land Trust of Durham Region in 2019 for Cole Swanson's 'The Hissing Folly' installation at the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington. (Source: / Photo: Jamie McMillan)
Phragmites being harvested at Thickson[s Woods Land Trust of Durham Region in 2019 for Cole Swanson’s ‘The Hissing Folly’ installation at the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington. (Source: / Photo: Jamie McMillan)

For the 2020 iteration of its Loft Gallery Commission Program, the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington is presenting ‘The Hissing Folly’, an installation by Canadian artist Cole Swanson at the Loft Gallery.

Curated by Sandy Saad, ‘The Hissing Folly’ looks at Durham Region’s ecological landscape and poses questions around human relationships with invasive species; namely phragmites (also known as European common reed), an invasive perennial grass that has been damaging ecosystems in Ontario for decades.

Working with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, phragmites have been collected and removed from the Thickson’s Woods Land Trust of Durham Region to become part of Swanson’s multidisciplinary installation. Through the tradition of thatching, Swanson uses a low-cost and ecological method to build roofs out of the local vegetation for his structure.

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Designed primarily for decoration, the resulting structure also suggests a greater purpose through its appearance: phragmites as a historically valuable construction material with creative potential compared to its adverse effects on biodiversity in Canada.

The installation opens on Sunday, February 2nd, with an opening reception from 2 to 4 p.m. featuring the artist. The exhibition will continue until January 3, 2021.

The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington is located at 143 Simpson Avenue in Bowmanville. Hours of operation are 10 a.m to 9 p.m. from Tuesday to Thursday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Friday to Sunday. Admission to exhibits and artist talks is free. For more information, visit


Wildlife photography by Dave Ellis at Boyd Heritage Museum in Bobcaygeon on February 6

Kawartha Lakes wildlife photographer Dave Ellis took this photograph of a bald eagle, which became the top post on kawarthaNOW's Instagram in December 2019. (Photo: Dave Ellis / Instagram)
Kawartha Lakes wildlife photographer Dave Ellis took this photograph of a bald eagle, which became the top post on kawarthaNOW’s Instagram in December 2019. (Photo: Dave Ellis / Instagram)

Kawartha Lakes wildlife photographer Dave Ellis will be showing his work on Thursday, February 6th at Boyd Heritage Museum in Bobcaygeon.

One of Ellis’ photographs of a bald eagle was featured on kawarthaNOW’s Instagram account in December 2019 and became the most-viewed and liked post for that month.

The exhibit takes place at 2 p.m. in the Sheila A. Boyd Art Room. Admission is by donation.

Boyd Heritage Museum is located at 21 Canal Street in Bobcaygeon. For more information, visit


First Friday Peterborough returns on February 7

"Portraits of People I Like - Part One" features new work by Joe Stable, on display at Acme Art and Sailboat Company in downtown Peterborough during First Friday Peterborough on February 7, 2020. (Photo courtesy of Joe Stable)
“Portraits of People I Like – Part One” features new work by Joe Stable, on display at Acme Art and Sailboat Company in downtown Peterborough during First Friday Peterborough on February 7, 2020. (Photo courtesy of Joe Stable)

After taking the month of January off, the First Friday Art Crawl returns to downtown Peterborough on the evening of February 7th.

As always, artists open their studios to the public, with galleries, art organizations, and other creative venues hosting special events.

Acme Art and Sailboat Company (129-1/2 Hunter St. W., 3rd floor) will be showing “Portraits of People I Like – Part One” by Joe stable, with new coloured copper drawings of dogs by Stable in the Copper Closet.

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Meta4 Gallery (64 Hunter St., Peterborough) will be hosting a free Valentine’s Day themed activity from 6 to 10 p.m. where you can create a colourful “Cupid’s Arrow”.

For more details on First Friday, including a list of events and a map, visit and follow First Friday Peterborough on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


The Art Gallery of Northumberland is open on Family Day 2020 for "Family Fun Day". (Graphic: Art Gallery of Northumberland)
The Art Gallery of Northumberland is open on Family Day 2020 for “Family Fun Day”. (Graphic: Art Gallery of Northumberland)

The Art Gallery of Northumberland is hosting a “Family Fun Day” from 1 to 3 p.m. on the Family Day holiday on Monday, February 17th.

You can create a masterpiece to take home, inspired by current exhibitions at the gallery, contribute your story to the gallery’s Family Story Wall, enjoy snakes, and check out an exhibition by the Art Gallery of Northumberland Youth Council.

The event is free.

The Art Gallery of Northumberland is located at on the third floor of the west wing of Victoria Hall (55 King St. W., Cobourg). Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday to Friday and noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. The gallery is normally closed on Mondays, but will be open on Family Day. For more information, visit


‘The Joy of Bob’ returns to The Theatre on King in downtown Peterborough on February 20

Riley Hotrum, Lindsay Unterlander, and Samuelle May Weatherdon paint during  'The Joy of Bob' at The Theatre on King in downtown Peterborough in 2018. The event returns on Feburary 20, 2020 featuring guest painters Kathryn Bahun, garbageface, and a random audience member. (Photo courtesy of Andy Carroll)
Riley Hotrum, Lindsay Unterlander, and Samuelle May Weatherdon paint during ‘The Joy of Bob’ at The Theatre on King in downtown Peterborough in 2018. The event returns on Feburary 20, 2020 featuring guest painters Kathryn Bahun, garbageface, and a random audience member. (Photo courtesy of Andy Carroll)

‘The Joy of Bob’ is returning for its 11th time to The Theatre on King in downtown Peterborough from 8 to 10 p.m. on Thursday, February 20th.

In this unique and fun competition, a live audience watches as three guest painters are challenged to follow an episode of ‘The Joy of Painting’, the instructional TV show hosted by late painter Bob Ross from 1983 to 1994.

In each 30-minute episode, Ross taught techniques for landscape oil painting, completing a painting in each session. Over the course of the show’s 403 episodes, Ross completed more than 1,000 landscape paintings.

The late artist Bob Ross at his easel. Ross completed more than 1,000 landscape paintings during the 403-episode run of 'The Joy of Painting'. (Publicity photo / Bob Ross Inc.)
The late artist Bob Ross at his easel. Ross completed more than 1,000 landscape paintings during the 403-episode run of ‘The Joy of Painting’. (Publicity photo / Bob Ross Inc.)

Guest painters for the February 20th event are Kathryn Bahun, garbageface, and a random audience member.

The cost is $15 at the door, or pay what you can.

The Theatre on King is located at 171 King Street in downtown Peterborough.


5th annual Artspace Book + Zine Fest at the Peterborough Public Library on February 29

Attendees at the 2019  Artspace Book + Zine Fest. The 2020 event takes place at the Peterborough Public Library on Saturday, February 28th. (Photo courtesy of Artspace)
Attendees at the 2019 Artspace Book + Zine Fest. The 2020 event takes place at the Peterborough Public Library on Saturday, February 28th. (Photo courtesy of Artspace)

The 5th annual Artspace Book + Zine Fest is taking place in the Community Room at the Peterborough Public Library (345 Aylmer St. N. Peterborough) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, February 29th.

The event will feature artist-made zines, comics and graphic novels, letterpress prints and cards, the work of small presses, woodcuts, screen prints, handmade books, and other types of book and paper arts.

Participants include Heather L. Kelly of Aitchkay Books, Angela Hennessey, Bruce Gravel, bird, buried press, Black Panel Press, Jackson Creek Press, Cheryl Edwards, Marchens Landing Publishing, Melad Jajou Illustration, O Underworld! prints & press, Rob Niezen, The Penny Arcade, and many more.

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In conjunction with the Book + Zine Fest, Artspace is hosting Bennett Bedoukian for a talk on writing, publishing, and operating O Underworld! prints & press of Havelock at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 26th at Artspace (378 Aylmer St. N., Peterborough). The talk is free and everyone is welcome to attend.

For a full list of participants at the Artspace Book + Zine Fest, visit