Ashburnham Ale House owner Scott Wood is leading a project to light up the Rotary Greenway Trail between Hunter Street and Douro Street in Peterborough’s East City.
Many residents use this section of the trail, which runs beside Ashburnham Ale House, at night.
Recent surveys have indicated that trails are the top priority for recreation for Peterborough residents.
“As someone who loves to walk and cycle, I think it’s great to see so many people using the trails,” Wood says. “Lighting improves their safety and extends the time that people feel safe using the trails. I am excited to be leading this project.”
Wood and the Village Business Improvement Area of East City have contributed around half of the $50,000 cost of the project, and are encouraging others to donate.
Donations can be made through the City of Peterborough’s website at forms.peterborough.ca/City-of-Peterborough-Donation-Form. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20 and higher.
Construction of the Rotary Greenway Trail lighting project will begin once fundraising is completed.

Two other Peterborough residents, Haig Kelly (owner of Kelly Fuels) and his friend Barron Cowan, are funding construction of a new trail through Roper Park.
The trail between Roper Drive and Firwood Drive, which will allow people to get from one neighbourhood to the other more easily, will also connect to Parkhill Road near the access to The Great Trail (formerly known as the Trans Canada Trail). The trail will be paved so that it can be maintained in the winter.
“The trail donations announced are wonderful gifts and, at this time, such positive news is especially appreciated,” says Peterborough city councillor Lesley Parnell, who is the chair of the arenas, parks and recreation portfolio chair on city council.
Kelly and Cowan are well known in the community for their support of local trails, beginning with the Rotary Greenway trail to Lakefield, as well as the Parkway Trail, Crawford Trail, BEL Rotary Bridgenorth Trail, and the Lang Hastings Trail section of The Great Trail — to which Kelly and Cowan donated $240,000.
Construction on the new Roper Park Trail is expected to be underway very soon.