For the second year in a row, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) has closed Crown land adjacent to Burleigh Falls to the public.
Located on Highway 28 around 30 kilometres north of Peterborough, the area was first closed to the public in July 2020 following a large increase in visitors, resulting in numerous complaints involving liquor consumption, parking violations, excessive noise, littering, outdoor urinating and defecating, and mischief.
That trend has continued over the past three weekends of May, according to a media release from Peterborough County OPP.
“Police continue to receive complaints involving liquor consumption, parking violations, littering and COVID-19/social distancing violations,” the media release reads. “Health and safety concerns are being communicated as public washrooms and hand-washing stations are not available.”
The MNRF has declared the area unsafe and it will be closed to the public until further notice, with Peterborough County OPP and Selwyn Township supporting the decision.
Both the MNRF and Peterborough County OPP will be enforcing the closure. Police say they will tow vehicles and issue provincial offence notices to those found in contravention of the closure.