The City of Peterborough declared a ‘significant weather event’ on Saturday (March 4) after a winter storm dumped almost 25 cm of snow on the city overnight.
Municipalities can declare a significant weather event under a regulation of the Municipal Act, which allows them to deem municipal roadways as being in a “state of repair” with respect to snow accumulation. The declaration is not a notice of a reduced level of service, but notifies residents that it may take longer than usual to clear the snow.
“Declaring a significant weather event is a way to advise residents, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists that conditions on roads, sidewalks and bike lanes can be expected to be delayed compared to typical levels of service,” says the city’s public works operations manager John Czerniawski in a media release.
The declaration also alerts the community current extreme weather conditions could pose a danger to users of city roads, sidewalks, and bike lanes due to the accumulation of snow and the delay in snow clearing operations.
“The city is deploying its full complement of resources to address road conditions as a result of the storm,” reads the media release. “Please be cautious on roads, sidewalks, and bike lanes as surface conditions can vary drastically during a significant weather event.”
The city’s snow clearing operations are currently focused on main roads, including arterial roads and collector roads, as well as sidewalks. Crews are expected to move into residential streets as conditions and weather allow.
The City has declared a Significant Weather Event to alert residents that extreme weather conditions could pose a danger to users of City roads, sidewalks, and bike lanes. Due to snow accumulation, snow clearing operations will take longer to complete.https://t.co/XAne2MJ4Oo pic.twitter.com/1RKJ9Tph27
— City of Peterborough (@CityPtbo) March 4, 2023
The city is advising residents only to drive on the roads if necessary, and to adjust their driving based on the conditions.
Sidewalk plows with blower attachments are being deployed, as this is the most effective means of clearing sidewalks with significant accumulations of snow. However, since these units move move slowly, it may take several days for the city to clear all sidewalks.
Peterborough Transit has temporarily suspended on Saturday runs until road conditions improve. Service will resume as soon as conditions safely permit. Updates on transit service will be posted to Twitter at @Ptbo_Transit or customers can call 705-745-0525 for current service information.