If you’re travelling through Peterborough’s East City, you’ll want to avoid using the tunnel under the Peterborough Lift Lock via Ashburnham Drive over the next few weeks.
That’s because the intersection of Hunter Street East and Armour Road on the west side of the tunnel is closed to through traffic effective Tuesday (July 2), and will remain closed for the next two to four weeks according to a construction notice issued by the City of Peterborough on Thursday, two days after the closure.
Armour Road was already closed north of Hunter Street to Clifton Street for a road reconstruction being completed by Green Infrastructure Partners Inc. That closure now includes the intersection of Armour Road at Hunter Street East.
The work being completed includes removal of existing infrastructure, earth excavation and grading, new storm sewers, sanitary sewers, watermain, concretes curb and gutters, road base and asphalt road structure, streetlights, sidewalk, tree plantings, pavement markings, and regulatory signage.
The Lift Lock tunnel is a common route for residents entering or leaving East City via Ashburnham Drive. The closure of the intersection also means Kaawaate East City Public School and the Peterborough Museum and Archives are not accessible by travelling west on Hunter Street; to reach them, you’ll have to drive through the Lift Lock tunnel via Ashburnham Drive.
Access for local traffic within the road closure area will be maintained, although local traffic may experience delays within the construction limits. According to the city, the work on Armour Road is scheduled to be completed by the end of the summer.