After 12 successful years, Peterborough’s SPARK Photo Festival is no more.
The festival’s board announced on Thursday (July 4) that the volunteer-run festival will not be continuing for financial reasons.
“Like many arts and cultural efforts today, SPARK has encountered financial pressures that do not appear to be resolvable over the next few years,” reads a media release. “Instead of potentially entering negative cash flow territory, the SPARK board decided it would be preferable to exit following a strong run.”
Held every April for the entire month, the festival highlighted the best in local photography, celebrating both photography and the artists and enthusiasts behind the camera lens. Exhibits were mounted in traditional galleries and studios, and also in unexpected places such as shops, cafes, libraries, community centres, and even the outdoors.
“The SPARK Photo Festival was made possible, first and foremost, by the dedication, enthusiasm and talent of participating photographers,” reads the release. “SPARK is also grateful for the essential contributions of the SPARK founders, board members and volunteers, sponsors, funders, donors and patrons, supporting partners, suppliers, local media, other arts organizations and all who opened their doors (and walls) as host venues to SPARK exhibits.”
The SPARK Photo Festival website at sparkphotofestival.org will be available until July 20 for those who wish to view archive exhibit pages, virtual exhibits, and past festival catalogues.