Peterborough’s ‘Porch Pirates for Good’ food drive returns October 26

City residents are asked to leave a bag of non-perishable food items on their front porch for Kawartha Food Share

Volunteers with "Porch Pirates for Good" will be driving around Peterborough on October 26, 2024 to collect donated items for Kawartha Food Share that residents leave on their front porches. In the last four years, the Porch Pirates for Good semi-annual food drives have brought in over 165,000 pounds of food and over $15,000 in monetary donations. (Photo: Kawartha Food Share)
Volunteers with "Porch Pirates for Good" will be driving around Peterborough on October 26, 2024 to collect donated items for Kawartha Food Share that residents leave on their front porches. In the last four years, the Porch Pirates for Good semi-annual food drives have brought in over 165,000 pounds of food and over $15,000 in monetary donations. (Photo: Kawartha Food Share)

Peterborough’s ‘Porch Pirates for Good’ will once again be raiding city porches on Saturday (October 26) for their 10th semi-annual porch food drive to help restock the dwindling shelves at Kawartha Food Share.

On Saturday morning, people are asked to leave a bag of non-perishable food items on their front porch. Beginning at 9 a.m., volunteers will drive around the city to 18 different neighbourhoods, collect the donated items, and deliver them to the Kawartha Food Share warehouse.

Organizers ask people to mark their bag of donated items as being for Porch Pirates for Good so volunteers can easily spot it from the street (you can download and print the flyer below if you don’t have one).

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While any non-perishable food items are appreciated, items in the greatest demand include peanut butter, canned tuna, canned vegetables and canned fruit, pasta and pasta sauce, canned pasta and packaged macaroni and cheese products (such as Alpha-getti, Kraft Dinner, and Chef Boyardee), breakfast cereal, and canned soup and canned stew.

Other needed food items include individually packaged school snacks for children (such as apple sauce, fruit cups, and chewy bars) and gluten-free items like pasta, cookies, and oats.

Non-food items that are needed include feminine hygiene products and diapers.

PDF: Porch Pirates for Good fall 2024 flyer
Porch Pirates for Good fall 2024 flyer

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Instead of donating food, you can also help by making a monetary donation — for every $1 donated, Kawartha Food Share can purchase up to $3 worth of food. Volunteers will be able to collect cheques or cash during on October 26, or you can donate online at

In the last four years, the Porch Pirates for Good food drives have brought in over 165,000 pounds of food and over $15,000 in monetary donations.

“The number of clients using food banks across Canada has reached an all-time high,” reads a media release from Kawartha Food Share. “The rising cost of food and supply chain shortages have affected Kawartha Food Share clients, donors, and their own purchasing power. The most vulnerable in our community need our support.”