If preparing for the holidays has you stressed out, overworked, or at your wit’s end, it might be about time to step inside Peterborough’s Lavender Moon and take time to focus on yourself.
While the downtown boutique is a destination for crystals, tarot, clothing, and art from local artisans and makers, it’s also a place of community and connection.
“One of the things I love most about the store is that people come in after a really hard day or when they’re going through some stuff and they feel better when they leave,” says owner Bethany Telford. “I love that we have the ability to bring people together and create a safe space to be vulnerable and to feel heard and seen.”
Telford has been the sole proprietor of the boutique since May 2024, although she was at the helm of operations since the store opened shortly after she moved back to her hometown to be closer to her family. Today, family continues to be the focus of the business, and a visit to the store will often result in an encounter with Telford’s son Walter — no doubt the most adorable and perhaps most convincing salesman in town.
The friendly faces at Lavender Moon are just one of the ways Telford encourages a safe space in the community. The boutique also hosts workshops and community events, often in partnership with neighbouring small businesses, to connect like-minded individuals.

Some of the regular gatherings include a reiki circle for practitioners, participation in the monthly First Friday Art Crawl, and an essential oil workshop wherein participants can learn all about the oils and make a custom scent.
“Different scents bring up different emotions and feelings for people,” Telford explains. “This is an opportunity for them to journal out those thoughts or feelings, then recreate the scent to spark that memory.”
Lavender Moon also hosts a “Tarot, Tea, and Spells Workshop” where participants receive glass jars, essential oils, herbs, and crystal chips to customize their own intention jars, and will learn techniques for setting their own spells and manifestations.
To make the store even more accessible and inviting, local students can get 10 per cent off all purchases. Telford has also recently launched a loyalty program where, after making six purchases, members can get the seventh at 25 per cent off.
Located at 181 Charlotte Street in downtown Peterborough, Lavender Moon is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and 12 to 5 p.m. on Sundays. To sign up for upcoming workshops, visit the store or send a message through Instagram and Facebook.
Shop The Boro is a branded editorial feature series about locally owned independent businesses in downtown Peterborough, created in partnership with the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA).
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