Places for People in Haliburton County is aiming to put homelessness in the headlights by hosting an upcoming event that challenges residents to sleep in their vehicles for one night.
Slated for Saturday, March 21 at Head Lake Park in Haliburton, “Sleeping in Cars” invites community members to rally their family members, friends, and neighbours to raise funds to support affordable rental housing in Haliburton County.
Nataly Mylan, the event’s organizer, told kawarthaNOW participants can expect to have “a powerful and impactful evening” by taking part in the unique Places for People fundraiser.
“This event challenges participants to sleep in their cars for one night, raising funds through pledges from family and friends,” Mylan said.
“As we gather by the fire with our participants and cheerleaders from the community, we share stories, reflect, and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness, particularly in rural communities.”
The event began in early 2019 when Places for People founder Fay Martin was trying to think of ways to increase awareness about the housing crisis in Haliburton County. The first annual Sleeping in Cars fundraiser was held in mid-March of that year when, at three separate locations around the county, people gathered together to experience what it is like to sleep in a vehicle.
Last year’s Sleeping in Cars event drew 50 participants who raised more than $30,000, with Haliburton design and decorating firm ACM Designs raising $13,000 on its own. Since 2019, the event has raised more than $58,000.
“This event is open to all ages — whether young or old, everyone is invited to make a difference,” Mylan said. Participants will receive a complimentary breakfast in the morning as the fundraiser concludes.
The event helps Places for People keep housing affordable in all of Haliburton County, “so come, experience, and show your support,” she added.
Places for People is hopeful the 2025 edition of Sleeping in Cars attracts 40 people to Head Lake Park, located at 13 York St. in Haliburton. The event begins at 7 p.m. on March 21 and ends at 9 a.m. the next morning.
Those wishing to take part are encouraged to register in advance. To register, send an email to info@placesforpeople.ca or keep an eye out for a registration link in the near future on the Places for People’s website at www.placesforpeople.ca.
The minimum pledge to enter the event is $50 per vehicle. Pledge sheets will be available soon on the Places for People’s website.
Places for People provides affordable housing in Haliburton County through 20 residential units and has provided homes for more than 100 people in the community since 2010. The organization is solely run by volunteers and is not funded by government grants.