From issues of affordability to having a stable roof overhead, the City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County are reaching out to residents for input about their experiences accessing housing in their respective communities.
The two municipalities are hoping to gain a better understanding of the region’s housing circumstances and challenges, ultimately to help them improve affordability, stability, and inclusion when it comes to housing options in the Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton.
To collect this information, Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton are asking residents to complete a survey, titled “Understanding Housing Needs,” by Friday, January 31.
Michelle Corley, human services manager of housing for Kawartha Lakes, highlighted what the impetus was for the survey and why it’s crucial community members have their say.
“There is significant importance in addressing housing affordability for our communities, as housing affordability closely supports community well-being,” Corley told kawarthaNOW.
“We encourage our residents to share their housing experiences by completing the survey, as community needs will help guide long-term affordable housing plans. Additionally, our current needs assessment exercise, which includes personal experiences of those who have faced housing insecurity/homelessness, will also support data-led decisions and effective advocacy.”
Through the online survey, community members have the opportunity to share their thoughts on affordable housing, barriers to access, and the connection between housing and community well-being.
The survey was initiated as part of updates to the Housing and Homelessness Plan, Corley noted.
“The Province requires us to have a 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan. Our current plan (2020-2029), including the current affordable housing targets, was adopted by Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County councils in 2019,” she said.
“Significant social and economic changes have occurred since then. We also have an obligation to update the plan every five years and are currently taking steps to refresh our plan and strategy. The survey will help complete an updated Housing and Homelessness Needs Assessment, as one of the first stages of this work.”
By sharing firsthand experiences and insights, community members can inform policies that improve housing affordability, stability, and inclusion. Residents can ultimately contribute to meaningful changes in policies that directly affect their lives, Kawartha Lakes noted on its website.
Feedback from residents will help reveal current challenges and successes related to housing and homelessness.
The survey aims to identify common challenges in finding and keeping housing, barriers to affordability, stability, and fairness, and community-driven ideas to enhance housing policies and well-being.
For more information or to complete the survey, visit www.jumpinkawarthalakes.ca/housing. There are also posters distributed throughout the area that include a QR code that can be scanned to access the survey.
“Anyone who lives, works, or studies in Kawartha Lakes or Haliburton County can provide valuable insights,” read the survey page. “Owners, renters, those who share homes, and individuals seeking stable housing — every perspective matters.”
The questionnaire takes about 10 minutes to complete. All responses will remain anonymous. No personal identifiers will be connected to the responses, the municipality noted.