Home Authors Articles by Ann Douglas

Articles by Ann Douglas

Ann Douglas
2 Articles
Ann Douglas sparks conversations that matter about parenting and mental health. She is a bestselling parenting author (her most recent book is Happy Parents Happy Kids) and the weekend parenting columnist for CBC Radio. A passionate and inspiring speaker, Ann delivers keynote addresses and leads small-group workshops at health, parenting, and education conferences across the country. She lives and works in Peterborough, Ontario. Her website is anndouglas.net.
Peterborough parenting author and speaker Ann Douglas with a copy of her latest book, "Happy Parents Happy Kids", published by HarperCollins Canada and available on February 19, 2019. (Photo courtesy of Ann Douglas)

Parenting in an age of anxiety

Instead of judging parents, let's support them by nurturing all the children in our communities.
Social networking in real life: Lisa Clarke, Marilyn Burns, Meredith Dault (from Informed Opinions), Alissa Paxton, Jane Fisher Ulrich, Jennifer Cureton, Jeannine Taylor, Ann Douglas, and Sandra Dueck (photo: kawarthaNOW)

Why I invited seven local women out for breakfast

Social media is great but face-to-face conversations can be even better, local author says

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