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Articles by Five Counties Children's Centre

Five Counties Children's Centre
26 Articles
Serving children in the counties of Haliburton, Northumberland, Peterborough, and the City of Kawartha Lakes, Five Counties Children’s Centre provides therapy services that assist children who are delayed in their development to build the skills they need in everyday life such as walking, talking, and activities of daily living. For more information, visit www.fivecounties.on.ca.
Kawartha Gymnastics coach Nathan (left) gets a smile from two-year-old Mirha as she takes part in a new adaptive gymnastics program at the club. Looking on are Mirha's dad Mansoor and Five Counties Children's Centre recreation therapist Colleen Ristok. (Photo: Five Counties Children's Centre)

Five Counties partners with Kawartha Gymnastics and Peterborough YMCA to offer sports for kids...

Adaptive gymnastics and SPLASH swimming programs geared to young children with varying abilities, exceptionalities, and sensory issues.
Dr. Sean Godfrey (left), pictured with Five Counties Children's Centre CEO Scott Pepin, is a new consulting pediatrician joining Five Counties. He will spend about one-quarter of his time seeing clients at Five Counties sites in Peterborough, Lindsay, and Cobourg and the remainder of his time seeing and supporting children and families from across Peterborough, Northumberland, Kawartha Lakes, and Haliburton at the private medical practice he is establishing at the Five Counties site in Peterborough. (Photo courtesy of Five Counties Children's Centre)

A boost to pediatric care in the greater Kawarthas region is just what the...

Dr. Sean Godfrey will support kids with special needs at Five Counties Children's Centre and also support children and families from across the region.
Fifteen-year-old Kaydance (in wheelchair) stops by Five Counties' Seating and Mobility Clinic with her mom April (standing, second from right) to get her chair adjusted. Also pictured are (standing, from left) Five Counties technician Luke, occupational therapist Kate Jaboor, and seating and mobility consultant Stewart from Motion Peterborough. Crouched beside Kaydance is Five Counties physiotherapist Ange Harrison. (Photo courtesy of Five Counties Children's Centre)

Five Counties Children’s Centre seating and mobility clinic helps ‘prescribe’ inclusion and participation for...

Last year, 77 kids and their families were supported at by-referral clinic that operates at Five Counties sites in Lindsay, Peterborough, and Cobourg.
Five Counties Children's Centre CEO Scott Pepin hands the puck over to Five Counties alumnus Nick Scarr, who prepares to do the ceremonial puck drop before the Cobourg Cougars home game on November 20, 2023, which helped raise funds for the charitable organization serving children with special needs in the greater Kawarthas region. During his time at Five Counties, the centre's augmentative communication team set up Nick with a tablet to help him better communicate. (Photo courtesy of Five Counties)

At Five Counties Children’s Centre, there’s plenty of gratitude to go around every day

For Giving Tuesday, CEO Scott Pepin provides four examples of how giving back improves the lives of children with special needs.
More than 400,000 children in Canada have special needs that may prevent them from enjoying trick-or-treating with their siblings and other children. There are simple ways of making Halloween more accessible and inclusive for kids of all ages and abilities. (Photo courtesy of Treat Accessibly)

Tricks to make Halloween a treat for kids of all ages and abilities

Five Counties Children's Centre shares tips for breaking down barriers for children with special needs.
Five Counties Children's Centre has launched the new SmartStart Hub that aims to more easily connect local families to services to support their child's developmental needs. Here, Five Counties staff members help to promote the different ways families can click and connect to care. (Photo courtesy of Five Counties Children's Centre)

Five Counties Children’s Centre is helping parents more easily access services to support their...

New 'SmartStart Hub' is available to families in Peterborough, Northumberland, Kawartha Lakes, and Haliburton.
Julie Grant, shown holding her son Jude, is a big advocate for more accessible playgrounds and inclusive play structures, like the wheelchair swing at Peterborough’s Riverview Park and Zoo. (Photo courtesy of Five Counties Children's Centre)

Accessible and inclusive playgrounds can benefit all kids regardless of their age or abilities

Accessibility and inclusion break down barriers to play and promote diversity in all walks of life.
While digital devices are a part of everyday life, too much screen time - especially for young children - can impact their growth and development. Setting reasonable limits on screen time benefits both kids and families. (Photo: Kampus Production / Pexels)

Why ‘real time’ is much better than screen time for kids’ development

Active play allows kids to be imaginative, socialize with others, problem-solve, and learn new skills.
Five Counties' director of clinical services Darlene Callan (left) shares a moment of reflection with her one-time client, Adam White, whom she's known since he was a pre-schooler. Adam has since become a strong advocate and promoter of the life-changing work at Five Counties, serving as a volunteer, former board member, and past board chair. (Photo courtesy of Five Counties Children's Centre)

If there’s a face to Five Counties Children’s Centre, it’s Adam White

A client for many years as a child, Adam became a strong advocate for the work done at Five Counties including by becoming a long-time volunteer.
From a fairly standard and non-descript landscape, the backyard space at Five Counties Children's Centre's Peterborough location has been transformed over the past three years into a lush, natural outdoor treatment and therapy space with many amenities that are ideal for kids, clients, families, and staff. It will be transformed again for the Backyard Summer Social fundraising gala on June 24, 2023 featuring alpacas, axe-throwing, inflatable jousting, classic picnic games, food, treats, and fun. (Photo courtesy of Five Counties Children's Centre)

How the backyard of Five Counties Children’s Centre in Peterborough was transformed into an...

Adults can experience the space and become kids again at Five Counties' Backyard Summer Social fundraising gala on June 24.

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