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Articles by GreenUP

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For more than 30 years, Peterborough GreenUP has been central and eastern Ontario's leading environmental organization focused on education, sustainability, and stewardship. GreenUP is a non-profit charitable organization and an active community organization that offers dozens of programs and services to those living in Peterborough and Kawartha Lakes. For more information, visit greenup.on.ca
Peterborough is home to many year-round cyclists. For some it is a way to get outside, for others a main mode of travel. Here, Peterborough resident Carol Love rides her bike along the Millennium Trail. (Photo: Vicky Paradisis)

Don’t let winter keep you off your bike in Peterborough

Along with skating and cross-country skiing, cycling is a delightful form of recreation in winter too.
The nocturnal northern flying squirrel, which uses excess skin between its limbs to glide up to 45 metres between trees, is active during winter and has a unique partnership with other flying squirrels to keep warm during the freezing-cold winter nights. This still of footage of a flying squirrel, used in a CBC Nature of Things documentary, was captured in Peterborough by Trent University researchers. (CBC screenshot)

Four hidden wonders of nature that winter has to offer

Flying squirrel cuddle puddles, sweetheart frog-cicles, turtle bum-breathing, and the sugar maple's slumber,
In summer of 2017, filmmaker Suzanne Crocker (bottom right) and her family started their year-long quest to feed themselves from food gathered, grown, and hunted close to their home in the Yukon. In "First We Eat", which screens at the 2021 ReFrame Film Festival, Crocker explores their journey and the complexity of improving local food security in the far north. (Photo: Alex Hakonson)

Three filmmakers talk about their films screening at the 2021 ReFrame Film Festival

Olivia Mater on 'Starborn', Suzanne Crocker on 'First We Eat', and Karen O'Krafka on 'Headwaters to Hearts: Education in Action'
Water is a recurring motif in many films featured in ReFrame 2021. "The River Guards" is a U.S. documentary about a Massachusetts community on the Housatonic River where activists have been fighting for three decades against pollution from a GE plant. ReFrame 2021 will host a discussion featuring those activists and Peterborough activists also fighting against GE pollution. (Photo courtesy of ReFrame)

Local and global stories about water ‘a huge theme’ at this year’s ReFrame Film...

Festival creative director Amy Siegel highlights environmental documentaries screening during the virtual festival.
There are lots of options to enjoy nature in the Peterborough area this winter, including several hidden gems including Robert Johnston Eco Forest. Owned and maintained by Douro-Dummer Township, Robert Johnston Eco Forest offers several lovely forested trails and a stunning view over rolling hills. (Photo: Leif Einarson)

Get your dose of ‘Vitamin N’ with nearby nature in Peterborough this winter

From your own backyard to public trails, you don't have to go far to enjoy nature and experience its health benefits.
A detail of an illustration created by local artist Jason Wilkins in real-time to capture ideas and key concepts shared at a 2019 community forum on the United Nations' 2030 Agenda. The forum brought together 120 community leaders, politicians, students, and educators to learn more about the agenda and to identify priorities for the Peterborough region using collaborative activities and discussion. (Photo: Kawartha World Issues Centre)

From global to local: how Peterborough is implementing the UN’s goals for sustainable development

Local priorities are no poverty, quality education, clean water and sanitation, climate action, and partnerships with Indigenous peoples.
"Braiding Sweetgrass" and "Big Lonely Doug" both offer remarkable insights into how we value nature as something we want for resources and as something we appreciate as a complex interconnected gift. Both books are available from the Peterborough Public Library. (Photo: Leif Einarson)

10 must-read books and must-listen podcasts on the environment and climate change

Book and podcast recommendations from GreenUP and the Peterborough Public Library.
Residents of Peterborough's Talwood neighbourhood identified high-speed traffic and a lack of pedestrian crossings as concerns in this area. During GreenUP's NeighbourPLAN infrastructure pop-up in October, a brightly coloured crosswalk with curb bump outs demonstrated how to provide a safe crossing and help reduce traffic speed. (Photo: Leif Einarson)

Re-imagining Peterborough’s public spaces with infrastructure pop-ups

Part of a growing global movement, this temporary and cost-efficient approach demonstrates and tests long-term changes in urban neighbourhoods.
The Christie Bentham Wetland is a provincially significant wetland located just south of Burleigh Falls. Also known as the Clear Lake North Wetland, this property was recently purchased by the Kawartha Land Trust to be protected in perpetuity. Development has already erased more than 70 per cent of the wetlands across southern Ontario. (Photo: Jenn McCallum)

The many gifts we receive from Ontario’s threatened wetlands

Wetlands provide habitat for birds and other wildlife, trap carbon, reduce flood damage, replenish aquifers, purify water, and more.
Your stockings can hold the best gifts, including what's best for the planet. The GreenUP Store has plenty of green gifts as well as gift certificates, available in-store at 378 Aylmer Street North in downtown Peterborough and online at shop.greenup.on.ca. (Photo: Ben Hargreaves)

Shop local this holiday season with these eco-friendly stocking stuffers from the GreenUP Store

Give the gift of green with unique items from under $5 to under $25.

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