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Articles by GreenUP

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For more than 30 years, Peterborough GreenUP has been central and eastern Ontario's leading environmental organization focused on education, sustainability, and stewardship. GreenUP is a non-profit charitable organization and an active community organization that offers dozens of programs and services to those living in Peterborough and Kawartha Lakes. For more information, visit greenup.on.ca
For many years, the children's garden at Ecology Park has been one of the most popular learning spaces for Peterborough-area children. This year, GreenUP is asking for donations to revitalize this space and establish one of the region's first naturalized playscapes on public parkland. It's part of GreenUP's five-year capital fundraising campaign to grow Ecology Park so it can better support this generation of impact and help create the leaders of a carbon-neutral world. (Photo: Ben Hargreaves)

Donate to the children’s garden at GreenUP’s Ecology Park and help raise a generation...

Ecology Park provides environmental education to today's children who will lead our future carbon-neutral world
Many rural property owners rely on wells, either drilled or dug (pictured), for their water. To ensure your safety, the water from wells should be tested regularly and when you see changes to its colour, taste, or odour. Sampling bottles for testing are available from township offices, Peterborough Public Health, and the Regional Public Health Laboratory. (Photo: Jackie Donaldson)

What you need to know about wells and septic systems

Many rural property owners get their water directly from the ground and are responsible for managing their wastewater.
If you have a birdfeeder in your backyard, you can get chickadees to come to you by temporarily removing the feeder and instead holding seeds in your hand. This is a fun way to connect with your natural surroundings in late fall and throughout the winter. (Photo: Leif Einarson)

Lift your spirits in November by experiencing the awe of nature

Take an 'awe walk', feed the birds, get cozy at home, or travel vicariously.
Doing your holiday shopping at locally owned independent businesses indirectly benefits non-profit organizations like Peterborough GreenUP, since local business owners tend to provide greater support to local charities and also are more likely to shop locally themselves. You can also support local by shopping at the GreenUP Store at 378 Aylmer Street in downtown Peterborough, which carries eco-friendly products from several local makers. (Photo: Ben Hargreaves / GreenUP)

Supporting local this holiday season benefits the economy and the environment

GreenUP shares tips for alternative and eco-friendly gift ideas that also help local businesses during the pandemic.
The only freely flying mammals on the planet, bats are nocturnal so they can avoid predators and avoid competing with birds that also eat insects. This may explain why people find them spooky and have long associated them with Halloween. Pictured is a little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) flying through a local forest. The little brown bat is the most common species of bat in North America and has been most negatively impacted by white-nose syndrome, a fungal disease affecting hibernating bats. The fungus causes the bats to become more active than usual during hibernation and burn up the fat they need to survive the winter. (Photo: Laura Scott)

Why bats are more spectacular than spooky

The only true flying mammal, bats help humans by eating our insect pests and are under threat from disease, habitat loss, and climate change.
A toilet being flushed. (Stock photo)

Why we need to be aware of what we flush down the toilet or...

Anything other than 'The Three Ps' can block your pipes, damage the wastewater treatment plant, and ultimately affect our drinking water.
One way to support a sustainable circular economy is by not buying single-use paper towels and napkins that go straight into the landfill. Instead, consider reusable alternatives like these "Unpaper Towels" and cloth napkins, handmade in Peterborough by Cheeks Ahoy and available at the GreenUP Store and Resource Centre. (Photo: Leif Einarson)

Six ways you can reduce your household waste in Peterborough

Waste Reduction Week in Canada runs from October 19 to 25.
The new Blue-Green Therapy Garden at Five Counties Children's Centre will be a special place for kids, therapists, and clients of all ages to investigate, discover, refresh, and recharge. The project also has environmental benefits and will help increase local biodiversity by adding nearly 1,000 plants to the property, including native species such as these brown-eyed susans. Work on the garden by GreenUP staff and volunteers begins this fall and will continue into 2021. (Photo courtesy of GreenUP)

New therapy garden at Five Counties in Peterborough will help kids connect to nature

GreenUP helping to transform centre's outdoor space that will also benefit staff and visitors and increase biodiversity.
If you can, consider walking with your children to their school before you head off to work. This can be a meaningful time to connect with your kids at the beginning of each day. (Photo: GreenUP)

If you can, ‘park and stride’ with your kids to school this fall

Active School Travel Peterborough offers many solutions to help your family travel to school with benefits.
Ecology Park's 2020 autumn sale takes place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 3rd at 1899 Ashburnham Drive in Peterborough (at Beavermead Park). This year, in addition to trees, Ecology Park has native shrubs and wildflowers available for purchase. Remember to bring a mask with you to Ecology Park to help keep staff and visitors safe. (Photo: Benjamin Hargreaves)

Get native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers at Ecology Park’s annual autumn sale on October...

GreenUP explains why fall is an ideal time for planting and why urban trees are so beneficial.

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