Home Authors Articles by Kelsey Powell

Articles by Kelsey Powell

Kelsey Powell
1 Articles
Kelsey Powell is a Peterborough-based writer and actor. He is the Artistic Administrator at 4th Line Theatre. He is a cultural enthusiast who is proud to be part of the vibrant culture of Peterborough and the Kawarthas. You can follow Kelsey on Twitter @Querl_ParaDox.
4th Line Theatre presents the world premiere of The Bad Luck Bank Robbers by Alex Poch-Goldin in summer 2015, starring Robert Winslow, Paul Braunstein, Ryan Hollyman, and Tim Walker as the ill-fated bank robbers (photo: Wayne Eardley, www.wayneeardley.com)

Is $230,000 in stolen loot hidden near Bancroft?

"The Bad Luck Bank Robbers", 4th Line Theatre's new play about the 1961 Havelock bank robbery, runs from June 30 to August 1

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