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Articles by Paul Rellinger

Paul Rellinger
786 Articles
Paul Rellinger a.k.a Relly is an award-winning journalist and longtime former newspaper editor still searching for the perfect lead. When he's not putting pen to paper, Paul is on a sincere but woefully futile quest to own every postage stamp ever issued. A rabid reader of history, Paul claims to know who killed JFK but can't say out of fear for the safety of his oh so supportive wife Mary, his three wonderful kids and his three spirited grandchildren. Paul counts among his passions Peterborough's rich live music scene, the Toronto Maple Leafs, slopitch and retrieving golf balls from the woods. You can follow Paul on Twitter at @rellywrites.
Top to bottom, left to right: Diana Lopez Soto in Nomada, The Stampeders in 1971 (the late Ronnie King is pictured at left), Dwayne Gretzky at Peterborough Musicfest, the Northumberland Orchestra and Choir, a few photos from the 2024 SPARK Photo Festival, Ward Cornforth performing as Johnny Cash, and Peterborough Symphony Orchestra guest artist Beverley Johnston. (kawarthaNOW collage)

encoreNOW – April 1, 2024

Public Energy brings high-flying Nomada to Market Hall, The Stampeders carry on despite their heavy loss, Peterborough Symphony Orchestra serves up a slice of Italy at Showplace, and more.
Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development (PKED) relocated both its corporate office and the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism Visitor Centre in 2017 to the then-new Venture North building at 270 George Street North in downtown Peterborough. PKED was originally founded in 1998 as the Greater Peterborough Area Development Corporation, taking on the services and budgets of six separate organizations, including the economic development departments of the city and county of Peterborough. (Photo: Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development)

City and County of Peterborough moving forward with plans to take economic development and...

City has communicated to both Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development and the county it will not renew tri-party agreement.
One of two security guards hired by the City of Peterborough who served a trespass notice to Foods Not Bombs volunteer Myles Conner on March 25, 2024, during the group's serving of free prepared meals to people in need, something it has done every week for almost 19 years. (kawarthaNOW screenshot of Esther Vincent video)

Food Not Bombs Peterborough will return to Confederation Square despite city’s trespass notice

Longtime volunteer says group will fight any ticket issued and 'make an example' of the city 'if you try to push us out'
Gordie Johnson, front man for the Juno-nominated blues and reggae rock band Big Sugar. The band's "500 Pounds Theatre Tour", which sees the entire 1993 album played live in the first set followed by hits and favourites in the second set, makes a stop at Lindsay's Flato Academy Theatre on March 23, 2024. (Photo: Marc LePage)

encoreNOW – March 18, 2024

Steve Paikin pays a Lakefield visit, Big Sugar sweetens the Academy Theatre, Port Hope's Capitol Arts Centre takes us back in time to 1973, and more.
Trent Radio's Charlie Glasspool, curator and host of the "Radio from the Stage" live radio broadcast series, introduces the audience at Jethro's Bar + Stage in downtown Peterborough to local punk rock band Intimidators during the third episode of the series on December 31, 2023. Launched on October 29 with five episodes already in the can, the series continues on the last Sunday of every month until July 28, 2024. (Photo: Andy Carroll)

‘Radio From The Stage’ series connects live audiences and Trent Radio listeners with local...

Episode six of the 10-part live radio broadcast series set for March 31 at Dreams of Beans in Peterborough features Taylor Abrahamse, Joslynn Burford, and David Newland.
Food Not Bombs Peterborough serving a free meal at Confederation Square across from City Hall on November 14, 2022. The group, which has been serving free meals at the park or outside City Hall since November 2005, was told on March 4, 2024 by a security guard contracted by the City of Peterborough that it now required a permit to continue to do so. (Photo: Myles Connor / Facebook)

City of Peterborough tells Food Not Bombs it now needs a permit after almost...

Security guard's threat to call police and have the group evicted from Confederation Square draws ire of supporters.
Tristina Haines as Kim, Laine Williams as Marjorie, and David Adams as Ben (not pictured is Peter Cain as Jim) during a rehearsal of "Willow Quartet" by Joan Burrows at the Peterborough Theatre Guild. Directed by Tami Whitley, the drama runs for nine performances from March 8 to 23, 2024 at The Guild Hall at 364 Rogers Street in Peterborough's East City. (Photo: Peterborough Theatre Guild)

Choices, consequences and forgiveness at the heart of the Peterborough Theatre Guild’s production of...

Award-winning Canadian playwright Joan Burrow's drama opens March 8 for a nine-performance run at The Guild Hall.
Trevor Hosier at Lindsay's Old Gaol Museum, home to his Youngtown Rock and Roll Museum until it closed for good in 2017. On April 13, 2024, Hosier will be hosting a 'Photographs and Memories of Rock and Roll Legends' exhibit raising funds for local mental health initiatives. The exhibit will feature more than 150 photographs of famous musicians, songwriters, and related personalities including some previously on display at the Youngtown museum but most never before exhibited publicly. (Photo: Ryan Rogers)

Trevor Hosier’s April 13 exhibition in Lindsay offers a unique glimpse of popular music...

'Photographs and Memories of Rock and Roll Legends' features more than 150 photographs including some from Hosier's former Youngtown Rock and Roll Museum.
The Workforce Development Board's new Transportation Career Ladder is an interactive online tool that provides valuable information for workers and job seekers in the transportation sector in six career levels progressing from entry-level positions to more senior positions. (Stock photo)

Workforce Development Board unveils its latest online ‘career ladder’ for workers and job seekers

Interactive Transportation Career Ladder provides a wealth of information about six different career levels in the transportation sector.
Peterborough guitarist and singer Nicholas Campbell is embarking on a tour across Ontario in March and early April 2024, including a show at the Market Hall on April 13, to promote his second album "Gonna Have A Ball Tonight." Unlike his first album which featured western swing and classic country songs, the new album is more influenced by the sound of 1950s rock 'n' roll. (Photo courtesy of Nicholas Campbell)

Peterborough guitarist and singer Nicholas Campbell is hitting the road to promote his second...

Backed by The Two Metre Cheaters, the 19-year-old musician is releasing 'Gonna Have A Ball Tonight' including an April 13 show at the Market Hall.

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