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Saturday, June 1

SOLD OUT - Concert: Capitol Theatre presents Shipyard Kitchen Party beginning at 1:30 pm at Sculthorpe Theatre at Capitol Theatre Arts Centre (20 Queen St., Port Hope, L1A 2Y7). With roots in Scotland, Newfoundland, and Georgian Bay, folk band Shipyard Kitchen Party blends traditional instrumentation with humour, artistry. and history to tell Canadian stories in original ways. Shipyard Kitchen Party features John Eaton (guitar, bass, mandolin, vocals), Sacha Law (bass, vocals), and Jason Murphy (bodhran, vocals) with special guests Jason Redman (keyboards, guitar, vocals), and Victoria Yeh (violin). Performances at 7:30 p.m. on May 31 and 1:30 p.m. on June 1. Cost: $30. For more information and tickets, visit

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