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Thursday, June 27

Theatre: Capitol Theatre presents Creating Costumes that Come Off with Joyce Padua, Julie Tomaino, and Arielle Voght beginning at 7:00 pm at Capitol Theatre Arts Centre (20 Queen St., Port Hope, L1A 2Y7). Find out more about what goes into the making of costumes that have to come off. Featuring Joyce Padua, Julie Tomaino, and Arielle Voght (director, costume designer, and head of wardrobe for the Capitol Theatre's production of "The Full Monty", you'll hear about the process of creating costumes, working with nudity, and ensuring there aren't any "malfunctions" during the run of this hilarious (and scantily clad) musical. This event takes place in the rehearsal hall. Cost: $5 (free for subscribers). For more information and tickets, visit

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