
The Canadian Canoe Museum presents Canoe Trip #2 - Kawartha Highlands (All Girls)

Date:Monday, July 21 - Friday, July 25, 2025
Location:    Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park (106 Monck St., Bancroft)
Cost:$525 per participant

A five-day flatwater canoe trip camp in Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park designed for youth ages 13-15. This trip is a great introduction to backcountry camping and wilderness canoe tripping. Days are spent paddling, portaging, and playing as trippers move campsites throughout the trip. Learn backcountry cooking, how to set up tents and tarps, and how to camp comfortably and safely. Previous experience on a canoe trip of any length and experience paddling a canoe is an asset. Transportation from the museum and back is included, along with all required group gear and equipment (personal gear not included). There will be a co-ed trip from July 14 - 18 and a girls-only trip from July 21 - 25.

For more information and to register, visit