The Canadian Canoe Museum thanked community supporters today (December 20) for helping them raise funds for an early Christmas present: a new van to support the museum’s public programs and outreach events and to help the museum safely transport artifacts.
Back in October, The Canadian Canoe Museum had applied to the Aviva Community Fund for up to $100,000 to purchase a van, along with a trailer hitch, vehicle wrap, and enclosed trailer. Despite lots of local support for the museum in the online competition, the museum was competing with 240 other worthwhile projects and wasn’t selected as one of the 15 finalists.
However, the momentum and community support generated during the Aviva campaign continued and, thanks to the efforts of museum advocates, the museum had raised enough funds and support by early December to purchase a used Mercedes Benz van, with only 62,00 kilometres on it, along with supporting equipment and a vehicle wrap.

Funds were raised through the Beaver Club Gala Committee and donations made at the Beaver Club Gala through the Paddles Up initiative, topped up by a donation by Les and Beverly Cassidy, and with support from Mercedes Benz Peterborough and Commercial Press & Design (for the vehicle wrap).
This new equipment will make it possible for the museum’s on and off-water programming to become more accessible to schools, community groups, and the general public.
“This is a game-changer for our on-water programs,” says Stacey Arppe, the museum’s Volunteers and Public Programs Manager. “We can now transport our paddling camp participants and all of our canoes and gear with ease, and having this self-sufficient transportation means we can continue expanding our water-based programming.

Specifically, the museum would use the equipment to transport children to summer paddling camps, to take the museum’s educational programming and workshops to schools and other locations, to transport the museum’s public paddling fleet for use on-water, and to transport museum artifacts to exhibits at partner museums.
The van, trailer hitch, vehicle wrap, and 20′ enclosed trailer are valued at $60,500.