You can support Peterborough’s Dragon Boat Festival and help keep breast cancer screening state-of-the-art.
Donations and pledges for individual paddlers or teams will help funding a new mammography machine for the Breast Assessment Centre at at Peterborough Regional Health Centre. The new machine will help ensure women (and men — yes, they can ger breast cancer too) from across our region have access to world-class breast cancer care when they need it most.
There’s still time to sponsor a team or a paddler for the 2017 Peterborough’s Dragon Boat Festival on Saturday, June 10th.
To sponsor an individual paddler, visit the donation page at Peterborough’s Dragon Boat Festival website, click the “Individual” button at the top, and enter all or part of the person’s name you want to sponso in the search box. You can also leave the search box empty and click the magnifying class to browse through all the registered paddlers (there are almost 800 of them).
The sponsor a team, you can do the same by selecting the Team button at the top. Or else you can use the table of teams we’ve provided below.