Area musicians who would like to join the Peterborough Symphony Orchestra (PSO) for the 2017/18 concert season are invited to audition on Thursday, June 29th for PSO Music Director and Conductor, Michael Newnham.
Pre-scheduled auditions will be held at the PSO office (159 King St., Suite 200, Peterborough) beginning at 7:30 p.m.
To audition, musicians must reserve a June 29th timeslot by calling the PSO at 705-742-1992 or emailing info@thepso.org. Musicians will receive further details about what to prepare for the auditions at the time of reservation.
Musicians auditioning for the PSO should be capable of performing at a level equivalent to Royal Conservatory of Music Grade 7, and be available during the performance season to practice their individual part and attend rehearsals with the orchestra to present a series of exciting concerts.
The PSO’s soon-to-be-announced 2017/18 concert season will run from November 2017 through May 2018.
A non-profit charity, the PSO has been a cultural cornerstone of the Peterborough community for 50 years. It has a reputation as one of the finest community-based orchestras in Canada. The PSO champions the cause of orchestral music in Peterborough and the surrounding areas.
It envisions a community united by a love of orchestral music from many eras and genres, and pursues this vision through concerts, youth outreach and partnering with other local organizations.
PSO musicians are the heart of the organization and are essential to its success. Currently, the PSO consists of 40 volunteer musicians and professional string section leaders.
They enjoy the camaraderie of the group, the chance to develop their musical talents in an ensemble atmosphere, and the challenge and thrill of playing great music together on the Peterborough stage for a dedicated and supportive audience base.