Earlier today (November 23), Crayola Canada general manager Paul Murphy and his team presented a cheque for $40,000 to the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes, representing funds raised from the 29th annual Crayola Sale held at the Lindsay fairgrounds on October 14, 2017.
Prior to the annual sale, the Crayola Canada team has set a goal to exceed $1 million in funds through this year’s sale and the company’s workplace campaign. Between the two, Crayola Canada has met the goal, having now raised $1,003,275 for the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes over the past 29 years.
“This year, the 50th anniversary for the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes, was particularly exciting because we knew we had the opportunity to surpass one million dollars in total donations,” Murphy said. “We are very proud to say that, due to the combined efforts of Crayola employees, United Way Volunteers, and the customers who attended the sale, we have successfully achieved that goal.”

Penny Barton Dyke, Executive Director of United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes, spoke about the importance of the relationship the organization has with Crayola Canada.
“Crayola embodies our mission to work together to help people in real time,” Barton Dyke said. “We would like to recognize and thank the approximately 150 Community Champions (Crayola staff and community volunteers) who helped with this one-of-a-kind event. The Crayola Sale has an economic ripple effect locally, which also has global reach through shoppers making purchases to be shared in third world countries.
“The impact of 29 years of giving has had far reaching effects, changing thousands of lives every year and we hope this inspires others to create their own fundraising initiatives.”

The annual Crayola sale began as a yard sale on the front lawn of Crayola’s Canadian headquarters at 15 Mary St. W. in Lindsay and has since grown into a massive popular event at the Lindsay Fairgrounds. People line up for hours before the sale, with a few even camping out overnight, for the opportunity to get great deals on Crayola products while support the work of the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes.
For more information about United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes or Crayola Canada, visit www.ckl-unitedway.ca or www.crayola.ca.