Back in March, the Ontario SPCA declared 2018 The Year of the Northern Dog, an initiative aimed at bringing awareness, attention, and action to a serious animal welfare issue in Canada — the overpopulation of dogs in northern Canada.
As part of a partnership under the Ontario SPCA initiative, the Peterborough Humane Society has recently received four dogs from northern Ontario, named Braveheart, Ichabod, Morey, and Jewel.
“Our role in the community is to help animals find their forever homes,” says Shawn Morey, Executive Director of the Peterborough Humane Society. “One aspect of this mission is assisting our animal welfare partners in collaboration with communities in the North.”

As part of the Northern Dog initiative, 21 dogs were transferred from a remote community near the Manitoba border that wanted to find homes for its community dogs. North Star Air Ltd. flew the dogs to Thunder Bay on April 29th, which then made the trip to the North Bay & District Humane Society. From there, they were transferred to the Peterborough Humane Society, Quinte Humane Society, Ontario SPCA Leeds & Grenville Animal Centre, and the Northumberland Humane Society to find their forever homes.
This transfer was made possible by volunteers in Thunder Bay from various groups such as Northern Reach and Finding Them Homes – James Bay Pawsitive Rescue, as well as the North Bay and District Humane Society, the Peterborough Humane Society, North Star Air Ltd., Quinte Humane Society, Northumberland Humane Society, and the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society.
“We are beyond excited to have been part of this initiative with the Ontario SPCA and look forward to a continued partnership with them and future initiatives,” Morey says.
Susan Dunkley, Manager of Development and Outreach with the Peterborough Human Society, tells kawarthaNOW that Braveheart will be available for adoption on Friday (May 4), and Morey and Jewel will be available for adoption on Wednesday, May 9th. Ichabod is available on a foster-to-adopt program; he cannot be officially adopted until after he is neutered on Friday, May 11th.
To find out more about the Year of the Northern Dog initiative, visit northerndog.com.