Kawartha Lakes is encouraging citizens to get informed and get involved through Jump In, Kawartha Lakes, the municipality’s new online citizen engagement platform at jumpinkawarthalakes.ca.
“Open communication and engagement with our residents is a priority for the municipality and Council,” explains Kawartha Lakes CAO Ron Taylor. “The residents and businesses of Kawartha Lakes have outstanding ideas, opinions and lived experiences. We want to capitalize on these local talents and perspectives, and Jump In is the platform to do so.”
Jump In, Kawartha Lakes is being piloted in 2019, with the first large-scale citizen engagement project being the Strategic Plan for the next four years. However, it will be used for other projects in the future as well.
“Jump In builds community in Kawartha Lakes, and Council is very excited about that,” adds Mayor Andy Letham. “Hearing what residents, visitors and businesses have to say about municipal projects is key to creating sustainable plans in Kawartha Lakes.”
The online platform offers a convenient way for residents to both become informed and to provide feedback through surveys, quick polls, and interactive maps — with idea forums coming soon.

“Jump In is an accessible, informative and fun way to get residents involved with the projects taking place across all areas of local government — from road repairs and budgeting to arts, culture and recreation initiatives,” says Cheri Davidson, Manager of Communications, Advertising and Marketing with Kawartha Lakes.
“An online platform adds a convenient 24-7 option for residents who can’t attend daytime Council meetings or open houses to learn more and have their say on topics of interest.”
Currently, Jump In, Kawartha Lakes is offering an online survey to residents on the municipality’s 2020-2023 Strategic Plan, which will be available until August 1, 2019. (For residents without access to a computer or the internet, print copies of the survey are available at municipal service centres).
“Consultation with the public and our staff is a key component of the development of the plan,” says Brenda Stonehouse, Strategy and Performance Specialist with Kawartha Lakes.

The survey, which takes five to 10 minutes to complete, asks residents to imagine what they want Kawartha Lakes to look like in the next 10 to 20 years.
Residents are also asked to select (and offer) the actions they feel are most important to achieving each of the four priorities of the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan: a vibrant and growing economy, an exceptional quality of life, a healthy environment, and good governance.
The Strategic Plan is the guiding document used by Council and staff to offer the services and programs needed in the community. Council and senior staff began working on the first stage of the new 2020-2023 Strategic Plan back in May, and are now asking residents to complete the survey so they can better understand community priorities.
“Residents are encouraged to fill out the Strategic Plan survey to tell us their priorities and ideas.” Stonehouse says. “We want to ensure the priorities reflect the needs of our community.”
Although the survey is only available until August 1st, the engagement process doesn’t end then. Council and staff will use resident feedback to help refine the Strategic Plan, and residents will have further opportunities to provide feedback on Jump In until December.

While the primary purpose of Jump In, Kawartha Lakes is to engage residents of the municipality, it also provides valuable information for visitors and tourists.
For example, the interactive Summer Fun Map identifies and describes attractions and points of interest across the municipality — submitted by those who use the platform.
And you don’t even have to be a permanent resident of Kawartha Lakes to register on the platform.
“Kawartha Lakes has a large seasonal population each summer, so even if people aren’t full-time residents of Kawartha Lakes, we still recommend they register and join the conversation if they have an opinion on what’s happening across the municipality,” Davidson says.
If you want to provide your input on the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan, register at jumpinkawarthalakes.ca.
Click the blue “Register to Stay Informed” button and you’ll also receive email updates about municipal initiatives, including new citizen engagement projects that become available on Jump In, Kawartha Lakes.
VIDEO: How to Register on Jump In, Kawartha Lakes
This story was created in partnership with Kawartha Lakes.